We also often receive questions from investors on corporate mail about how the pricing of ICO REANIMATOR tokens will be formed after the sales of the CRYPTOMOVIE blockchain-platform license in China begin.
The price of the RNM ERC20 and REANIMATOR Waves tokens will be formed at the expense of 30% of the profits from 2% of the box office fees of all films in the Chinese cinemas (the conditions of the preliminary agreement between the hedge fund CRISSE and the Chinese state corporation China Film Group). And the ratio of REANIMATOR Waves to tokens RNM ERC20 will be 1:10.
Holders hold 3 million ICO REANIMATOR tokens.
The minimum turnover of box office fees in Chinese cinemas, according to statistics for 2016 = 5 billion USD.
2% of this amount = 100 million USD.
The profit of the hedge fund CRISSE = minus 30% depreciation (taxes, fees and salaries) = 70 million USD.
30% of 70 million USD = 21 million USD.
Price 1 ICO token REANIMATOR = 21 million / 3 million =
7 USD.This price takes into account only sales in China.
After the spread and implementation of the CRYPTOMOVIE block-platform to other countries, the price of 1 ICO REANIMATOR token will accordingly increase exponentially.
P.S. We remind you that our development - the CRYPTOMOVIE blockchain-platform is being created with the goal of excluding falsification at the box office of films in any cinemas. The integration technology of CRYPTOMOVIE with the API box office cinemas will be easy and fast.