How to know fake Airdrop project

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I think there are a lot of fake projects now, so finding a fake project is very difficult, hopefully there are alternatives.

I think for airdrop program is very rarely a fake but the problem of the airdrop program is, we are given a little token on the project so very few results that we can selin it I see very rarely we can make a raise to the original money in the airdrop.

Yes, there is no way to know where the Scam and where not, you just need to do the mass , so that there was less Scam, there were projects with a good product and a team but skamilis , and there were those that did not even collect software and made big money

One way to know a scam airdrop is if you are constantly asked to provide your private key. Some airdrop projects also are just there to gather users information and plan on how to get into their privacies. We have to be careful of the information we use when filling airdrop forms

In order to find out whether airdrop is real or it is airdrop from scammers, you need to seriously bother and delve into the project itself and the company. It seems to me if you participate in airdrop companies you should not do it. Just register constantly in all airdrop.


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