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Author Topic: Proiect ANTI-SCAM-ICO (DES)  (Read 521 times)
Tszunami98 (OP)
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Activity: 812
Merit: 124

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November 10, 2017, 12:36:48 PM
Last edit: November 10, 2017, 02:17:40 PM by Tszunami98

Escrow Descentralizat
Implementam o noua solutie – Escrow descentralizat.

Multe proiecte folosesc Escrow independent intermediar ( cu conditia de multisemnatura) pentru a controla banii colectati intr-un ICO.
Cu aceasta abordare, Escrow poate fi compromis si exista posibilitatea de manipulare in favoarea startup-ului, ocolind interesele detinatorilor de jetoane. Escrow descentralizat rezerva toate drepturile de gestionare a fondurilor de catre investitori, care elimina pierderea fondurilor ivnestite si motiveaza startup-ul sa isi indeplineasca promisiunile
Ideea este ca startup-ul imparte procesul crearii produsului in stagii. Si banii colectati in ICO nu sunt primiti toti odata, ci in stagii.
Prin urmare,proiectele SCAM nu sunt de acord cu aceste conditii initial, si echipa care doreste sa faca produsul final, folosindu-l la maxim, probabil nu este un SCAM.
In cele din urma, pentru investitorii obisnuiti daca vor investi in asa fel, startup-urile bune vor putea ''cristaliza'' din gramada de lucruri care inunda industria crypto.
Si de asemenea,in aceasta schema, retinem bunurile investitorului de la pierderi, deoarece daca un startup a pacalit in procesul urmatorului stagiu, ce a ramas este returnat investitorului.

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Descriere detaliata:
Cartea Albak:
Blockchain si-a dovedit valoare ca un ledger descentralizat si atrage interes in toata lumea. Introdusa de blockchain,o noua paradigma intre oamenii care exclud serviciile intermediare din proces, nu este folosita la puterea maxima , si este de asemenea manipulata in acest sens. Motivul este ca management-ul structurilor si serviciilor de pret din jurul blockchain nu sunt diferite  de abordarea clasica capitalista.
La randul sau, ICO (Oferta initiala de monede) - ca un nou tip de idei de afaceri si proiecte de actiune prind din ce in ce mai multa popuaritate. Suma de bani care intra in economie a crescut de la an la an si este deja estimata la miliarde de dolari.
Mai mult decat atat, schema clasica de strangere a investitiilor - crowdfunding, si-a stabilit viabilitatea la scara globala, se afla si in calea schimbarilor globala si a adaptarii noii paradigme de comert electronic.
DES tine pasul cu vremurile,prinde miscarea pietei si va fi un deputat necesar in doua dezvoltare a economiei.

Bunul simt, pragmatic si calcul precis nu tin pasul cu o asemenea crestere de investii, precum ICO.  Exista o iamgine pretioasa a ideilor care apar pe piata, si nu este posibil fizic sa monitorizezi puritatea unui proiect, intentiile echipei si functionalitatea planului de afaceri. Investitorii, cel putin, incearca sa investeasca in graba in numarul maxim de companii , si se gandesc: "Poate actiunile pe care le-am cumparat vor creste si ma voi imbogati rapid."
Da, Blockchain este intradevar o tehnologie care va permite crearea de companii cu capital de miliarde de dolari.Cu toate acestea, asta nu exclude aparitia unor proiecte fara scrupule care la inceputul campaniei de strangere de fonduri sa planuiasca sa retraga imediat banii dupa finalizarea ICO-ului si sa dispara. Dar in momentul in care proiectele primesc sume mari suficiente sa traiasca confortabil pentru o lunga perioada de timp, fara s afie responsabile pentru nereturnarea acestor fonduri catre investitori, implica lenea si reticenta de a pune in aplicare ideile concepute. Profitul pe care il pot primi cu implementarea ideilor este intarziat si probabilitatea de reusita nu este 100%, dar fondurile din ICO sunt deja in mana lor.  
Rezulta ca colectarea abordarii inovatoare (ICO) este intr-o stare de compromis.
Probleme existente.
1. Absenta increderii finale in Startup-uri.
2. Lipsa increderii in Escrow, ca regula, cu o singura persoana sau companie care se ocupa de asta.
3. Lipsa controlului asupra cheltuielilor fondurilor in timpul implementarii proiectului.
4. Lipsa unei interfete convenabile pentru interactiunea cu startup-up care este pe cale sa obtina produsul final.

Solutiile problemei.
Escrow, multisig este o solutie excelenta pentru a mari securitatea colectarii,depozitarii si distribuirea valorii. Dar, in mod clasic, nu exclude prezenta factorului uman pi poate foi manipulata pana intr-un anumit punct.
   Solutia problemelor de mai sus cu incredere in proiect, echipa consistenta si intermediarul confirmat (escrow) este:
- Escrow descentralizat (DES).
- Platforma de escrow descentralizat (PDES).
     DES permite, prin vot majoritar,finantarea ulterioara a proiectului, care anterior a distribuit stagiile de primire a transelor pentru idea implementarii.
Cupa cum intelegem, este imposibila scrierea unui cod de program, crearea unui model functional si o afacere profitabila, stagiile implementarii sunt despartite si dureaza 6 luni sau chiar mai mult. De aceea , crearea foii de parcurs si finantarea in faze este o practica normala si realista, fara a carei prezenta, este posibil sa punem la indoiala viabilitatea proiectului si dorinta de pornire pentru a cheltui fonduri in conformitate cu scopul propus
Fiecare stagiu al proiectului include munca necesara,  pe care startup-urile se angajeaze sa o indeplineasca pana la data specifica si le va furniza instantei investitorilor pentru urmatoarea runda de finantare.
DE este format dintr-un mecanism de vot, unde decizia este luata de majoritatea (peste 51%) din participantii directi in campanie, investitorii de proiect in functie de numarul de actiuni.

Pentru cine? Care sunt beneficiile?
Pentru startup-uri:
PDES permite sa nu va indoiti de intentia startup-ului de a crea un produs finit, care a fost anuntat la inceputul campaniei , si in cazul unei circumstante de forta majora care ar putea afecta implementarea proiectului , sa protejeze investitorii de la pierderi neprevazute:
- feedback simplu si usor de la investitori;
- posibilitatea imbunatatirii produsului in procesul crearii.

Pentru ivnestitori:
PDES va permite sa va faceti o idee despre integritatea echipei unui startup, intentiile acesteia pentru a urmari pasii pentru a crea produsul;
- in timpul stagiilor de finantare, se va vedea cat este de competenta echipa, cat de profesional studiaza si cunoaste piata unde proiectul este creat;
- siguranta si securitate maxima pentru fondurile investite. Rambursarea integrala a investitiilor rezervate se face in caz de nerespectare a obligatiilor stabilite si nerespectate a termenelor de executie nerezonabile.

Pentru ICO / platforme de crowdfunding.
  PDE va crea atitudine de incredere fata de site de proiectele care sunt expuse pe el. Va fi unul dintre motivele pentru cresterea cifrei de afaceri a activelor digitale interne,si, in cele din urma, capitalizarea companiei.

Pentru comunitate / comunitatea crypto:
In general DES va ajuta la restabilirea pietei de capital cryptomonetar si sferei de crowdfunding.
- Nu va permite cresterea numarului de proiecte fara scrupule, folosind pentru scopurile lor lacome: pe o parte, analfabetismul financiar al populatiei, lipsa cunostintei profunde a tehnologiei blockchain; si pe cealalta parte, cresterea in interesul de progresie geometrica in industria criptografica,unde, in majoritatea cazurilor, un investitor obisnuit neglijeaza securitatea de baza si accepta declaratiile unor asa zisi ''experti''.

Despre platforma DES (un exemplu pentru ICO)
1) Platforma permite integrarea contractelor inteligente de strangere de fonduri ale ICO, scrise pentru orice Blockchain (de exemplu: Ethereum), sau de a face orice paltforme (WINGS, WAVES, OpenLedger, etc).
2) Proiectele integrate incarca foaia de parcurs pe PDE care include trei parametrii simpli
    2.1) Durata
    2.2) Sfera de activitate planificata pana la finalul duratei
    2.3) Urmatoare transa
3) Investitorii care au detinut o parte din jetoanele achizitionate in timpul ICO, voteaza pentru finantarea continua a unui proiect in fiecare stagiu, cu exceptia celui zeri (Inceputul)
4) Decizia de vot este adoiptata de majoritate (mai mult de 51% din cotele proiectului).
5) In fiecare stagiu (perioada) descarcarile de startup-uri de pe PDES necesita rapoarte de progres/referinte pentru a le arata tuturor investitorilor.
    In acest moment, exista doua butoane care apar/devin active in contul investitorului"
      1- "Accepta munca / trimite urmatoarea transa"
      2- "MI-am pierdut increderea,cer completarea finantarii", plus, investitorul va trebui sa completeze un formular de feedback gratuit, unde va putea sa isi exprime parerea in mod subiectiv. Acest lucru ofera oportunitati Startup-urilor sa urmareasca feedback-ul de la investitori , care este important pentru echipa si imbunatatirea proiectului, pentru a vedea greselile si a le corecta chiar si in stadiul de aparitie negativa, atunci cand astfel de scrisori sunt minoritare,iar proiectul primeste mai multe transe de catre majoritate.
6)Dupa luarea deciziei (peste 51% din actiunile proiectului):
    "DA" - urmatoarea transa a startup-ului este listata;
    "NU" -  fondurile ramase sunt inapoiate invetitorilor la adresele de unde au venit.
7) Toate fondurile ICO sunt stocate  intr-o punga doar cu multimenatura investitorilor (un contract inteligent deschis) (nici Startup sau serviciul DE snu il detine). Fiecare semnatura are propria greutate – numarul de actiuni in % (puncte de procentak).

8 ) Functionalitate aditionala:
   8.1) Startup-ul poate preciza intarzierea proiectului cu nu mai mult de 6 luni. Dar doar o amanare pentru fiecare stagiu este disponibila.
  8.2) Abilitatea de a stabili un alt procentaj de voturi, care afecteaza decizia (de la 1 la 100 %). Asemenea oportunitati sunt doar pentru comunitati care folosesc PDE pentru diferite tipuri de vot.

Puncte de referinta ale dezvoltarii DES.
1. Crearea unui prototip de contract inteligent-escrow.
Prototipul este pregatit si disponibil pe link-ul :
(Proiectat de Chain.Cloud)
2. Crearea unui contract inteligent-escrow.
3. Crearea platformei cu functionalitatea DE.
4. Acceptarea acordurilor de cooperare cu cele mai importante platforme ICO si clasice de crowdfunding
5. Implica companiile si comunitatile in procesul de votare descentralizata si foloseste escrow pentru rezolvarea diferitelor sarcini.


Mai multe informatii pe site:
Daca doriti sa va alaturati echipei - trimiteti un e-mail: info@descrow.orgcu subiectul "Echipa".

© 2017 «Escrow descentralizat»
Tszunami98 (OP)
Full Member
Offline Offline

Activity: 812
Merit: 124

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November 10, 2017, 02:16:44 PM
Last edit: November 10, 2017, 04:49:40 PM by Tszunami98

Campania de recompense Decentralized Escrow

3% din totalul strans sunt rezervati pentru campania de recompense.
15% Traduceri
25% Social Media {Facebook si Twitter in mod egal}
20% Articole pe blog & Campanie videoclipuri
25% Campania de semnaturi
5% Recompensa Telegram
10% Diverse recompense {Anuntate mai tarziu..}

Campania de traduceri
Instructiuni traduceri:

Aplicati pentru a va alatura campaniei aici:
Folosirea Google Translate sau a altor traducatoare online nu este permisa. Participantii care folosesc Google Translate vor fi descalificati.
Doar o traducere per participant poate fi rezervata. Aplicatiile pentru traduceri pentru limbi multiple nu vor fi acceptate.
Participantii trebuie sa rezerve limba de tradus si sa primeasca confirmare inainte sa inceapa.
Retineti ca veti fi recompensati pentru activitatea voastra in 'stakes' that you will be rewarded as per your activity in Thread management stakes, Thread-uri cu un singur post vor fi descalificate.

Traducerea ANN + RECOMPENSA : 500 Stakes
Traducerea Cartii Albe : 1000 Stakes
Gestionarea thread-ului local : 100 - 1000 Stakes

Campanie Twitter
Instructiuni Twitter:

Aplicati pentru a va alatura campaniei aici:
Urmariti contul nostru oficial de Twitter
Trebuie sa aveti cel putin 200 de urmaritori reali pe Twitter
Doar un singur cont pe persoana este permis.
Trebuie sa dati retweet si like la cel putin 5 tweet-uri pe saptamana , de pe contul nostru oficial
Trebuie sa postati cel putin 2 tweet-uri pe saptamana despre DEScrow. Max 1 tweet pe zi.
Trebuie sa folositi hashtag(#DEScrow) sau sa mentionati nick-ul nostru de twitter @Descrow3 sau sa aveti un link catre site.
Tweet-urile trebuie sa fie in engleza si trebuiesc postate in fiecare saptamana.
Note: Verificam tweet-urile si retweet-urile manual, asadar va rugam sa aveti rabdare.

200-1999 urmaritori reali: 5 stakes/saptamana
2000 si peste: 10 stakes/saptamana

Campania Facebook
Instructiuni Facebook:

Aplicati aici pentru a va alatura campaniei:
Follow si Like paginii oficiale de facebook
Doar un cont de facebook de persoana este permis.
Utilizatorii trebuie sa aiba cel putin 200 de prieteni
Trebuie sa dati like si share la cel putin 5 postari pe saptamana de pe pagina noastra oficiala de facebook
Postarile trebuie sa fie in engleza, publice, si trebuiesc postate aici in fiecare saptamana.


200-1999 urmaritori reali: 5 stakes/saptamana
2000 si peste: 10 stakes/saptamana

Articole blog & Campania videoclipuri
Scrieti un articol bun, recenzie, sau o postare pe blog despre DEScrow cu cuvintele tale; Postati asta pe siteul sau blogul vostru.
Instructiuni articole:

Postarile de articole trebuie sa aiba minim 500 de cuvinte.
Textul trebuie sa fie original. Copierea sau furtul aduc descalificarea.
Audienta pentru articolul postat trebuie sa aiba legatura cu crypto sau potriviti o utilizare pentru DES sau promovati vanzarea unui public adecvat.
Site-ul trebuie sa aiba un public autentic. Site-urile noi nu vor fi acceptate.
Articolele/recenziil/postarile pe blog trebuie sa contina link-uri catre site-ul DEScrow, grupul de telegram DEScrow si twitter/facebook original DEScrow
Scriitori treubie sa se familiarizeze cu documentele oficiale pentru a asigura o descriere corecta a utilitatii DEScrow.

Pentru un articol original MARE {2000 cuvinte sau mai mult} = 500-1000 stake
Pentru un articol original MEDIU {1000-2000 cuvinte} = 300-500 Stake
Pentru un articol originale MIC {sub 1000 cuvinte} = 100-300 stake
Pentru postare pe blogul personal {articole/traduceri} = 100 stake
Pentru repostarea articolului non-original despre SocialMedia.Market in blogul personal = 50 Stake

Instructiuni videoclipuri:

Descrieti DEScrow si caracteristicile sale
Videoclipurile trebuie sa aiba o rezolutie buna
Videoclipurile trebuie sa aiba minim 2 minute.
Puteti sa le incarcati pe Youtube, Dailymotion sau altele.
Veti primi recompense pe baza calitatii si a publicului articolului/videoclipului.

Informati-ne despre articolul.videoclipul vostru aici:

Campania Telegram

Aplicati pentru a va alatura campaniei aici:
Link Telegram :
Fara spam sau limbaj agresiv impotriva altor membrii despre proiect.
Discutiile despre recompense sunt interzise.
Ramaneti pana la finalul vanzarii de jetoane pentru a primi recompensa.
Veti primi 10 stakes daca ramaneti activ.

Campania de semnaturi
Cautam utilizatori activi Bitcointalk . Toti membrii trebuie sa posteze cel putin de 15 ori pe saptamana pana la finalul ICO-ului, pentru a fi eligibili pentru recompensa.
Postarile din acest thread nu vor fi luate in calcul.
Fara incredere negativa.
Fara multiple semnaturi.
Postarile in categoriile urmatoare nu vor fi numarate:
Politics and Society, Off-topic, Archival, Auctions, Lending, Beginners and help.
Fara Spam, Abuz sau Insulte.

Termeni si conditiis:
Doar Junior members sau mai sus.
Faceti cel putin 15 postari in fiecare saptamana.
Sunt necesare postarile in sectiunile cryptomonetare alternative.
Postarile trebuiesc sa fie imprastiate in intreaga saptamana, nu doar in 1-2 zile, altfel stake-urile voastre vor fo 0 in saptamana respectiva.
Postarile din thread-urile bounty nu vor fi numarate.
Spam-ul este interzis. Utilizatorii care fac spam vor fi permanent descalificat, reportati moderatorilor si banati.

HCum sa va alaturati:

Aplicati sa va alaturati campaniei aici:

  • Junior Members : 1 stakes per week
  • Members :           2 stakes per week
  • Full Members :     3 stakes per week
  • Senior Members : 4 stakes per week
  • Legendary/Hero:  6 stakes per week

1 stake extra pentru avatar

Designs Semnaturi


Quote   ►  ICO 22nd Nov

[center]   ►  ICO 22nd Nov[/center]

Jr Member


[center][url=]Descrow    ►   [i]Decentralized Escrow Platform[/i]
[u]          ICO Starts  [/u]  22nd November 2017[/url][/center]



[center][url=]Descrow    ►   [i]Decentralized Escrow Platform[/i]
[u]          ICO Starts  [/u]  22nd November 2017[/url]
[url=]WHITEPAPER   [[/url]  [url=]FACEBOOK[/url]   [url=]TWITTER[/url]   [url=]MEDIUM[/url]   [url=]VK[/url]   [url=]LINKEDIN[/url]   [url=]TELEGRAM[/url]  [url=]]   ANN THREAD[/url][/center]

Full Member


[center][b][font=arial][url=][font=Arial black][color=#00AEFF]D[color=#00C0FF]e[color=#00D2FF]s[color=#00DEFF]c[/color]r[/color]o[/color]w[/color][/font]    [color=#1F22A0]►[/color]   [i][color=#3350D5]Dec[color=#3365D5]ent[color=#3378D5]ral[color=#3387D5]ize[color=#3392D5]d E[color=#339ED5]sc[/color]row[/color] Pla[/color]tfo[/color]rm[/color][/i]
[color=#1F22A0][u]          [font=arial black]ICO[/font] Starts  [/u][/color]  [color=#3350D5]22nd November 2017[/color][/url]
[font=arial narrow][url=][color=#3350D5]WHITEPAPER[/color]     [color=#1F22A0][[/color][/url]  [url=][color=#00A3FF]FACEBOOK[/color][/url]     [url=]  [color=#00B9B6]TWITTER[/color][/url]     [url=][color=#00A3FF]MEDIUM[/color][/url]     [url=][color=#00B9B6]VK[/color][/url]     [url=][color=#00A3FF]LINKEDIN[/color][/url]     [url=][color=#00B9B6]TELEGRAM[/color][/url]  [url=][color=#1F22A0]][/color]     [color=#3350D5]ANN THREAD[/color][/url][/font][/font][/b][/center]

Senior Member

[center][table][tr][td][url=][size=2pt][tt][color=#00B9B6][color=#00A3FF]        ▄███▄[/color] ▀█ █▄
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[color=#00A3FF]   █▀  ▀████████[/color] ██████
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▄██████████▄ [color=#00A3FF]▀▀█[/color] ██████ [color=#00A3FF]█▀[/color]
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█████▀ [color=#00A3FF]▄▄█[/color]       █▀▀ [color=#00A3FF]▄█████[/color]
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 ▄█ [color=#00A3FF]██████[/color] █▄▄ [color=#00A3FF]▀██████████▀
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[color=#00A3FF]        ▀█ █▄[/color] ▀███▀▀[/color][/size][/url][/td]
[td][right][color=#00B9B6][size=4pt][i][font=arial black]▬▬▬▬   [color=#00A3FF]▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬[/color]   ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀  [color=#00A3FF]███████[/color][/font][/i][/size][/right]
[url=][b][font=arial][size=14pt][i][color=#3350D5]Dec[color=#3365D5]ent[color=#3378D5]ral[color=#3387D5]ize[color=#3392D5]d E[color=#339ED5]sc[/color]row[/color] Pla[/color]tfo[/color]rm[/color][/i][/size][/font][/b][/url]
[size=4pt][i][font=arial black][color=#00B9B6]▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ [color=#00A3FF]▀▀█▄▄█▀[/color][color=#00B9B6][u][color=#00A3FF]▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀[/color]       ▀▀▀[/u][/color]▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀  [color=#00A3FF]█████[/color] ______[/font][/i][/size][/td][td][/td][td][/td]
[td][size=20pt][font=arial black][color=#1F22A0][[/font][/size][/td][td][/td]
[td][center][b][font=Arial][size=8pt][url=][color=#00A3FF]FACEBOOK[/color][/url]   [url=][color=#00B9B6]TWITTER[/color][/url]   [url=][color=#00A3FF]TELEGRAM[/color][/url]
[url=][color=#00B9B6]MEDIUM[/color][/url]   [url=][color=#00A3FF]VK[/color][/url]   [url=][color=#00B9B6]LINKEDIN[/color][/url]
[url=][color=#3350D5]WHITEPAPER[/color][/url]    ●    [url=][color=#3350D5]ANN THREAD[/color][/url][/size][/font][/b][/center][/td][td][/td]
[td][size=20pt][font=arial black][color=#1F22A0]][/font][/size][/td]
[td][right][url=][font=arial][size=13pt][color=#1F22A0][u]         [font=Arial black]ICO[/font] [size=11pt][b]STARTS[/size][/u][/color][/size][/font]
[b][color=#00A3FF][font=arial black][size=8pt]22[size=6pt][sup]nd[/sup][/size] November, 2017[/size][/font][/b][/url][/td][/tr][/table][/center]

Hero Member - Legendary

[center][table][tr][td][url=][size=2pt][tt][color=#00B9B6][color=#00A3FF]        ▄███▄[/color] ▀█ █▄
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 ▄█ [color=#00A3FF]██████[/color] █▄▄ [color=#00A3FF]▀██████████▀
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[td][right][url=][font=arial][size=13pt][color=#00DEFF][glow=#1F22A0,2,300][u]         [font=Arial black]ICO[/font] [size=11pt][b]STARTS[/size][/u][/glow][/color][/size][/font]
[b][color=#3350D5][font=arial black][size=8pt]22[size=6pt][sup]nd[/sup][/size] November, 2017[/size][/font][/b][/url][/td][/tr][/table][/center]

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Recompensele vor fi platite de echipa DEScrow dupa incheierea vanzarii de jetoane.
Tszunami98 (OP)
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November 14, 2017, 11:46:02 AM

S-a terminat runda pre-ico si am reusit sa strangem 958.15 ETH. Va multumim tuturor pentru sustinerea acordata.
Va invitam sa intrati pe site-ul nostru pentru a afla mai multe detalii despre echipa, cartea alba, si date despre ICO.
Tszunami98 (OP)
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November 17, 2017, 06:31:46 AM

Va putem anunta data in care ICO-ul se va desfasura, iar aceasta este 29 Noiembrie.
Pregatiti-va portofelele pentru vanzarea principala de jetoane.
Intrati pe site-ul noustru pentru a afla mai mutle detalii despre proiect si pentru a cunoaste echipa.
Tszunami98 (OP)
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November 27, 2017, 07:22:47 AM

Va anuntam ca am reusit sa lansam si versiunea in limba romana a Cartii Albe.
Aici puteti gasi toate detaliile vanzarii noastre de jetoane, ale proiectului si puteti intalni membrii echipei.

Descrow -
Tszunami98 (OP)
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December 05, 2017, 08:50:34 PM

Avem datele oficiale pana in acest moment din pre-vanzare cat si cele din vanzarea principala care este in desfasurare.
Am reusit sa strangem sume incredibile si va multumim tuturor pentru suportul acordat.
Va reamintim ca vanzarea de jetoane dureaza pana pe 27 Decembrie, timp in care puteti contribui proiectului nostru.

Tszunami98 (OP)
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December 15, 2017, 08:35:48 PM

Va invitam sa va alaturati ICO-ului nostru.
Contribuiti doar pe site-ul oficial!
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March 16, 2018, 01:42:33 PM

SEC claims to 80 projects: a sign of serious intentions? Digest on cryptonews.
SEC worries about the fast-growing crypto market. And it seems like the US Securities Commission turned from words to actions when it subpoenaed TechCrunch and 80 America’s crypto-currency сompanies on March 7. From the statement of Michael Arington, TechCrunch founder, it’s clear that there is nothing terrible in these claims and these measures are necessary for “a broader study of digital coins”. We can expect that the investigation will continue throughout the year — it is time needed for collecting information about the cryptoworld and creating rules that will govern this market. The most likely outcome of the events will be the accepting crypto-currencies as unregistered securities, which will put the participants of the American market under hard and unfavorable business conditions.
Japan also has faced with the need to regulate the activity of crypto exchanges after $ 530 million were stolen from Tokyo Stock Exchange CoinCheck. The Financial Services Agency of Japan (FSA) forced the exchange to pay investor’s stolen funds, and provide a plan for improving the system before March 22. In the current conditions, the seven exchanges of crypto-currencies were punished and two of them — Bit Station and FSHO — were ordered to suspend business, reports Reuters. In terms of these occasions, it was decided to form a self-regulating organization in the crypto currency market that, with the assistance of the FSA, will create guidelines for regulating this market and protecting the consumers. According to Forklog, the organization will represent 16 exchanges and will begin to work in April 2018.
The decentralized crowdfunding platforms such as the Descrow could become an alternative to a centralized regulatory structure. Descrow is designed to insure ICO investments from fraud through the development of the community of investors and partners of ICO and automation of the phased financing of the project.
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March 20, 2018, 09:09:50 AM

Decentralized EscrowFollow
Assistant for safe investments and the independent vote.
Mar 19
Descrow continues to select projects for platform testing


We are please to announce that 4 more projects will be presented on the test launch of the Descrow platform
📍 Platform for sport fans Sportco. This is a global community, designed to unite sports fans from all over the world into a single Sports Club. Members of the community will have the opportunity to communicate on their favorite topics, run their own blog, play themed quizzes, bet on sports and much more. At the same time, their activities will be rewarded: the higher contribution to the network they will give — the higher income they will get. Thus the project solves several problems at once: it unites sportsmen from all over the world, gives them the opportunity to earn on their hobby and provide the access to a wide information network.
📍 Platform for traders and investors Rublix. The “Hedge” App developed by the project will allow participants to make a trade forecast for a particular currency. In case of correct forecast, participants will be awarded by a Hedge rating and RBLX tokens, and in case of an error the rating will fall and the tokens will be taken back. Investors, in turn, can change their tokens to access the forecasts of a particular trader, and the price of the forecast will depend on his or her rating. Thus the Rublix provides a system of incentives for traders to publish honest information and to create more open and transparent market.
📍 Platform for creating and supporting gambling projects Trueplay. Online casinos are becoming more popular, however, both their owners and players face many problems related to technical and legal issues, as well as guarantees of honesty. The Trueplay project seeks to solve the problems of both sides and offers the Fairplay system — a combination of blockchain and offchain methods of organizing the casino activities. This will make gambling projects less expensive: casinos will connect to a ready-made technical system with operational and legal support. The platform will provide a high-speed payment system for players, as well as a full-fledged system ensurung trust.
📍 Crypto Fund PentaCore with active management. The company takes into account the difficulties and barriers an average investor faces if he or she desires to invest in crypto-currency assets — risks, the complexities of technology understanding and market analysis. And it offers a set of recommendations and products for easier investment. Initially company offers three type of products: investment fund PentaFund aimed at capital appreciation with emphasis on its protection through hedging strategies; information platform PentaView’s that provides easy-to-understand and high-quality data about cryptocurrency market; educational source PentaPost, where members can learn to analyze the market and to form investment portfolio. Thus, the project aims to increase the financial literacy of market participants and to provide them with tools for analytics and trading.
We will be glad to welcome your project on testing the platform, you can apply by filling out the form below
We also invite experts, specialists, analysts in the field of crowdfinding for further partnership, please feel free to contact us
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March 23, 2018, 07:16:42 AM

 Recruitment of new projects in Descrow platform testing is continuing


8 projects more will join the Descrow platform test.
📍 DAICO “The Green Mine”. The project represents developments in FoodTech and will mainly deal with the creation of high-nutrition food powders and bars of grown algae and vegetables. Because of the latest technologies and equipment, as well as heating of the greenhouses by mining, it will be possible to produce food all year round. The farm will also own a gas-piston power plant — it allows to receive electricity at the lowest price in the world — 1.26 p / kW (according project data), which will significantly reduce the production cost. Project is advantageous for investors because it is built on a real economy and its tokens are part of the company’s capital (land and real estate), and because of decentralized management of a company — it allows all co-owners to have equal powers.
📍 Cloud OSS solution ApexFree, operating on PaaS and SaaS technologies. The project is designed to automate repetitive business processes and simplify the management of information, financial and other flows by integrating software products, services, technologies onto one platform. ApexFree will have the maximum amount of business functionality with real-time monitoring and management capabilities, accessing the platform as an arbitration for resolving disputes, efficient data processing.
📍 Clever farm “Sol-Invictus”. The farm will produce differentiated agricultural products on the basis of energy autonomy, which is achieved through the use of wind turbine and biogas plants. The farm is a set of several production modules: livestock and fish complex, growing vegetables, mushrooms, mixed fodder, and from the number and interrelations of these modules organization gets the main advantage — the possibility of maximum processing of industrial waste by cyclic use. Wastes in some modules serve as a raw base material for others. This system provides a high level of overall profitability (according to IRR project estimates of 65%), and the use of high-tech equipment makes it possible to significantly reduce costs.
📍 Cardboard construction Yohocube. The developing constructor consists of two forms: cubes and prisms, which are assembled from flat patterns. Simplicity of shapes and colors of figures gives freedom to creativity and helps to form creative thinking: combining figures in different ways you can get any object and then paint it in any colors, which make the game fascinating both for children and adults. Also the construction is environmentally friendly — parents can be calm for the health of their children if they leaving them to play alone.
📍 LeadRex platform. The project is aimed at increasing the conversion of advertising companies and combines many components. The basis of the platform is artificial intelligence, which is necessary for analyzing and selecting the target audience. Thanks to the platform’s advertising capabilities, everyone able to launch their advertising company in the shortest possible time and manage it centrally from the client cabinet of LeadRex. The most important innovation and technological feature of the LeadRex platform is artificial intelligence — it is an integral part of the service and each module as a whole.
📍 The platform for sending parcels with travelers Shipit. The key idea of ​​the project is the creation of mobile app that will unite senders of parcels and travelers on the same platform. This will create a cheap, efficient and fast mail system. At the same time, all participants benefit: the traveler is a monetary rewarded, the sender can sent parcels in a short time and a guarantee quality. The project synthesize best business strategies of successful companies in the sharing economy and, with the help of block technologies, created a service built on transparency and fairness of operations.
📍 The platform for investing in real estate Bitcoin City. The platform is a real estate market. Using Bitcoin City tokens investor can buy an apartment, a building, a room or a part of them anywhere in the world, and the builder can attract investments with the help of blockchain technology. Thus, there will be buildings whose value will be expressed by digital assets. After exchanging tokens for square meters of the premises, the investor can receive an annuity — the percentage of the profit from the commercial use of this space. Or he can live in a purchased apartment (room) — digital assets are easy to sell and buy so with this system a person can easily move around the world buying and selling housing, and live in suitable places for him.
📍 SBC Platform — automated ICO training platform for start-ups and small business. The goal of the project is to reduce the cost of preparing high-quality projects for entering the ICO and to give impetus to their development. For this, the project offers opportunities for expertise, business analysis of ideas, technical and legal advice, assistance with marketing and investor search. Automation of the platform processes will significantly reduce the cost of services and make it more accessible for start-up entrepreneurs.
We will be glad to welcome your project on testing the platform, you can apply by filling out the form below
We also invite experts, specialists, analysts in the field of crowdfunding for further partnership, please feel free to contact us

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March 28, 2018, 09:44:37 AM

                Descrow welcomes new platform members


Dear community, we are pleased to announce that 6 more projects in different development level will participate in the testing of the platform. For today we have 23 projects in total ready for partnership with Descrow platform.

📍Mortgage platform Bloquid. The project allows to convert mortgage claims into the digital assets using the MU (Bloquid) tokens. This processes run in several stages: firstly, platform concludes two contracts with the owners of the real estate — an agreement of lending interest-free token as a loan and a real estate pledge agreement. After that a state registration of the real estate encumbrance goes and the smart contract issues mortgage tokens. New tokens are transferred to the borrowers, and real estate becomes part of the general fund of the Bloquid collateral.

📍Docnota. The project offers a new paradigm for creating, processing, publishing and exchanging documents on a secure platform with an open architecture and API. Existing problems of electronic document management cause legal consequences and Docnota project solves it by creating a technological platform on which documents are represented as a system of text blocks. Such structure means records, where each of the document blocks has unique parameters: identifier, information about the author, creation date, etc. This system protects documents from possible changes, and ensures the safety, reliability and ease of accessibility of documents.
Also, we are pleased to announce early stage development start-ups that will also participate in Descrow platform test.
📍Ecosystem of smart cities, based on financial model of an energy service contract where tokens is a “crypto-fuel” of the system. At the moment, 11 such projects are being developed in real settlements.
📍Marketplace for the owners of mobile applications with the possibility of equity investment.
📍Artificial intelligence for predicting lotteries and high-risk events based on self-learning neural networks and 4D visualizations.
📍Crypto pawnshop — P2P platform for loans secured by crypto currency
We will be glad to welcome your project on testing the platform, you can apply by filling out the form below
We also invite experts, specialists, analysts in the field of crowdfunding for further partnership, please feel free to contact us

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April 02, 2018, 06:44:39 AM

                        Descrow establish partnership with OpenGift platform


Dear community, we are pleased to announce that a cooperation agreement has been concluded between the OpenGift and Descrow platforms. Now the OpenSource projects that are placed at OpenGift platform will be able to use the Descrow service to ensure that the parties fulfill their obligations. At the same time, Descrow customers will be able to place their projects at the OpenGift platform.
OpenGift is a platform where OS (OpenSource) projects publish information about their development goals and progress. The platform analyzes a great amount of metrics and creates a project profile for investors and sponsors. Project shares can be distributed among project teams members and investors, while sponsors can finance development of software they need. Currently, more than 80 projects have already been submitted to the OpenGift platform. Using OpenGift will significantly accelerate the development and improve the quality of the entire OpenSource, as well as provide the opportunity to invest in OSS (OpenSource Software) projects for a much larger number of people, while the Descrow platform will ensure the transparency and security of these investments.

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April 06, 2018, 12:01:14 PM

 Descrow will take part in the international blockchain technologies consortium


The Descrow platform became a participant of the International Research and Industrial Consortium for the implementation of the National Technologic Initiative (NTI) in the area of blockchain technology.
Descrow joined the international community of universities, industrial and innovative enterprises, aimed at conducting the most advanced research and development in the area of digital economy and blockchain technology, as well as their implementation into modern business and training highly qualified specialists.
The first research laboratory for blockchain studies was opened in Russia In 2015 at Perm State National Research University (PSNRU), the university-leader of the emerging Consortium.

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April 17, 2018, 11:45:21 AM

    30 ICO projects in total are going to participate in Descrow Platform testing as of today. We welcome 7 new projects!


Medicohealth — project for improving healthcare system by creating doctor — patient environment based on blockchain. Application creates possibility for fully anonymous, safe, and efficient communication with world’s leading healthcare specialists and provide own tokenized and secure payment system. Decentralized ledger technology enables traceability, data immutability and creation of secure methods for privacy protection that makes such platform perfectly fit for using in healthcare system.

International Charity Exchange BCharity. Platform allows to bring together individuals, funds and organizations from across the globe, providing an opportunity to help people in need. Decentralization will transform the modern systems of charity, removing unnecessary activity, barriers and regulators that decrease the effectiveness of charitable foundations and organizations, while evolving global charity to a new qualitative level. BCharity will open new opportunities in the field of charity by facilitating philanthropic donations via digital currencies and increasing charitable activity with no borders.

INSPEM — blockchain based artificial intelligence that able to recognize faces and objects using mobile phones and static cameras. At the moment, the platform develops several areas of activity. The service will be useful in missing people search, bystander or witness search, and in criminal search –it can help to recognize the faces of thieves or terrorists at mass events. The system operates as follows. After the biometric analysis of the face (for example, from the photo), artificial intelligence looks for a coincidence on the tracking cameras, and in case of a coincidence, the user will be able to buy a record from the camera and find the right person.

Hybrid Betting is an Ethereum-based betting game without a mandatory house edge. The advantage of Hybrid Betting is a profit model totally different from models of other betting platforms. Hybrid Betting profit model is based on the number of shifts played: each sport event can be a shift and platform will take a small fee at the end of the betting phase just before the event starts. Fee was considered from 0.5% for bigger events to 2% for smaller events. Hybrid Betting can allow users to bet against each other without considering odds and the bookmaker edge: new game will allow punters to take care just of other punters in a game with no stronger parts.

FrYa Crypto is a platform for the future of business to powering that through new equity blockchain. While existing solutions offer to solve just one problem at a time, FrYa is up to build a secure, useful, and easy-to-use product based on private blockchain. It will include easy cryptocurrency payments integration, and even a digital arbitration system. At the end, FrYa aims to integrate companies, employees, and business assets into a unified blockchain ecosystem, which would make business truly efficient, transparent, and reliable.

Wixlar is a digital currency and payment system based on the blockchain technology. System advantages are in using Hybrid POW/POS and applying enhanced secured hashing algorithm what makes transactions instant and more secure. The system provides opportunity to use Wixlar coins for buying and selling products online and offline and more than 12 other services for private persons and companies such as: Wallets, Master Card, Exchanges, Smart Contract, Letter of Credit, Cloud Storage, E-Shop, Academy, Rewards, Partnerships, Lottery and Free-Lancing.

LibertyLance — Gig based marketplace where freelancing meets blockchain. LibertyLance is a platform for both clients and freelancers, where freelancers can post their gigs and clients can select from those gigs based on their reviews, pricing and delivery. Platform will be self-regulated by using Smart contracts — it will be used to ensure smooth transactions and act as an escrow medium between the two parties without involving any other middleman.
We will be glad to welcome your project on testing the platform, you can apply by filling out the form below
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April 26, 2018, 06:53:35 AM

                                     New projects will join Descrow Platform testing


Dear friends and colleagues, we are glad to present you 4 ICO projects that will cooperate with Descrow in new platform during test period.

Cryptoloans. Platform unites 3 directions of financial markets: P2P lending, Marginal trading and Cryptocurrency market. In P2P lending service platform offers reliable system of verification of borrower’s solvency and guarantee of fund repayment. Platform offers 100% probability of loan obtaining and full anonymity and safety of customer data without guarantors and collateral. Second direction is Marginal trading. It allows speculative buying cryptocurrency in a volume that exceed traders’ own funds in several times. Third direction is Cryptocurrency market, where customer can change all altcoins and tokens represented at Platform not only to bitcoin, but also to each other.

POV Coin - an interactive virtual cryptocurrency network for adult entertainment. Platform offers several ways of participation, act as an intermediary between service consumers and sellers, and also develops technical devices. The platform guarantees anonymity, transaction security, transparency of payments and observance of copyrights.
Thus, POV Coin solve several market problems: piracy, undeveloped technologies, payments anonymity, limited opportunities for earning and monetizing traffic, the difficulty of obtaining feedback from customers.

Shivom is building the largest genomic and health data hub around the globe by combining blockchain, genomic DNA sequencing, artificial intelligence and cryptography to power secure and personalized medicine. Donors participate in platform and get personalized health and lifestyle information saved in service. They also gain rewards for sharing their genomic data by selling access rights directly to third party institutions such as pharmaceutical companies. Pharmaceutical companies will use the Shivom platform to refine drug development and create best course of care based on statistical health information.

SONDER project was developed to overcome the main barriers to full integration of blockchain-technologies into e-commerce market – high transaction fees, low speed and lack of transparency. Project develops API and SDK to make services more simple and convenient for consumers and will developed in several ways. First, a way to simplify the procedure of payment for goods and services by cryptocurrencies. Platform will create the set of tools to make withdraw the fiat money procedure more convenient. Second way is to increase security and data transfer speed. Technological features will allow to make transactions with zero fees, and provide wide range of privacy settings which help customers to stay anonymous. SONDER main goal - to create useful, customer oriented service that would become the fully open payment network using electronic money transfer systems, online-stores and billing and paying services.
We will be glad to welcome your project on testing the platform, you can apply by filling out the form below
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May 16, 2018, 06:44:00 AM

   Development and testing of Descrow Platform continue.


We are pleased to announce that the Descrow platform development is progressing well, and public testing will soon be launched. However, the development of an IT product of this level of complexity is often accompanied by a number of difficulties that our team also had to face. During the closed internal testing a number of flaws in software logic were identified and arrangements of the next stage of works would require more time than it was planned. In order to correct and finalize the Platform as soon as possible we have changed the developers team employing new members, what enable us to cope with the main complications in the shortest time.
Also, at the moment we are developing an open testing methodology for ICO startups at platform, and during the testing we are going to pay special attention to the feedback and wishes of users on both sides (investors and startups) in order to implement the most convenient and useful features in the working release of the platform.
In addition, we are preparing a database designed to help start-ups avoid common mistakes when conducting ICO and achieve higher KPI of their projects. A number of papers is being prepared to be published addressing the issues of market analysis and identification of problems that ICO startup is going to solve, development and marketing packaging of the startup product, team building, writing of high quality documentation for ICO (including White Paper), legal protection issues, typical risks management and much more issues.

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May 24, 2018, 11:21:59 AM

                                         Overview of DESCROW platform interface. General structure

The development of the Descrow platform continues and since open testing will be launched soon we have decided to write an overview of the main functions and interface elements to help future users and testers.


Website pages of the Platform include 3 functional blocks

1. In the upper right corner you can see the Menu of your account, through it you can go to personal messages, view and change your personal data and proceed to your personal wallet.

2. In the left side of the section menu you can navigate through the main pages of the platform

3. The main part is occupied by the content of the current page — in this particular case the main page of the section “Investor”.
The platform has three functional modes (sections): “Investor”, “Startup” and “Expert”. Each of the modes contains the tools necessary for the appropriate type of users.

If you have any questions or you have found an error or misprint on the website, you can write to us about this by clicking on the “Technical Support” button and filling in the appropriate form.

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May 25, 2018, 09:11:28 AM

 Kind time friends! Today we will show you the section of the investor!

On the main page of the section “Investor” you can see widgets that give quick access to the necessary information of subsections such as: the list of projects in which you participate, referral statistics andthelatestoffers on the token exchange. The top part of the pagecontains information about your current balance in tokens and ethereum.

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May 31, 2018, 12:08:28 PM

                                          How to register your startup in Descrow platform
If you want to run an ICO project on the Descrow platform, go to the mode “Startup” using the mode menu on the top left side and click “add your startup


You will go to the page of the startup questionnaire. Before you proceed to the next step, we strongly advise to watch the video presented at the zero stage. In this video we tried to tell shortly about the main problems you may face during ICO and the ways to solve those problems. After watching the video, click “Next” to proceed to the project form.


Fill out the basic information about your project, the list of team the members and advisers. Later you can complete the description of the project with graphic elements and upload photos of the team members.
Attach the basic startup documents (such as White Paper) and provide links to your website and video presentation, if any. Finally, enter your contact details and click “register”

Your application will be submitted for review, you will be notified about the results of review by a personal message and by e-mail. After review you will be granted access to the section with the startup functions on the platform.
We will be glad to welcome your project on testing the platform, you can apply by filling out the form below

We also invite experts, specialists, analysts in the field of crowdfunding for further partnership, please feel free to contact us

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June 13, 2018, 07:54:42 AM

    Section “STARTUP”

On the main page of the section you can see the widgets that allow you to monitor important information related to your project: voting results, questions of the users, referral statistics.

As you can see, new items appear in the left menu compared to section “Investor” — “My projects” and “Find an expert”. The “Referral program” page also differs from that in the Investor section. It allows you to set voluntary referral rate for your ICO start-up in order to attract new investors to the project.

The “My Projects” page displays a list of your completed and current projects on the platform.
In “Project management” page you will be able to do all basic actions on the platform: quickly change the referral rate, download a report, see the results of voting or fees statistics, check with the road map and, if necessary, make changes to it.

The button “change information” leads to the page where you can change or supplement the data about your project: add tags, format a full description (including the ability to add graphic elements), correct the list of media files and add extended information about team members (including their photos).

Project Roadmap

A necessary condition for the publication of the ICO project on the Descrow platform is filling out the Roadmap section.
Roadmap is an integral part of strategic planning: it allows you set specific goals for the development of your business and monitor the progress of the tasks implementation. Also, the roadmap allows investors get more complete information about your project, its main stages and deadlines for them. The roadmap serves as an indicator of the quality and reliability of your project, so we advise you to consider its completion seriously
To fill it out, go to “project management” and click on the “fill in” button in the “roadmap” panel.
Add the required number of stages of project development and enter the number of days required for implementation of each stage. Than add a description of the aims you plan to achieve during the stages as well as the percentage of the total funds required for particular stages.

The minimum number of project stages is three.
Keep in mind that during the ICO campaign you will be able to make changes to the roadmap of the project no more than once per stage. Also these changes are levied by a commission paid in DES tokens which amount could depend on the amount of the funds raised, on the course of the project implementation, on the roadmap changes already made in the past and other parameters important for the project success. Also, total period of the stages postponements can’t be more than 6 months. So we strongly advise you to choose the optimal periods of the stages implementation in advance, to consider your capabilities adequately and to make every effort to implement the project.

Creation of ICO Smart Contract
ICO can’t be run without a smart contract.
A smart contract is a computer program algorithm that ensures the reliability of bargains and financial transactions. He acts as an intermediary in the information and money transfer and an arbitrator that controls compliance of the agreement terms by the parties. Usage of smart contract gives many advantages. The parties are guaranteed to have and independent arbitrator while subjective factors are eliminated. Smart contract reduces the costs of implementing the contract (costs of services provided by the third parties) and minimizes the risks of wrong interpretation of contract’s terms. Moreover smart contract guarantees reliability of exchange of values and security of transactions.
All of the above factors form investor’s confidence that particularly important in the ICO process. In particular, if the minimum amount of investment in ICO (the so-called softcap) is not reached, the smart contract automatically returns all the funds to investors, since in this case it is assumed that the project does not have enough funds for successful implementation. On the other hand, if the maximum amount of funds raised (the so-called “hardcap”) is reached, the ICO smart contract automatically stops the investing process, since too much investments could dilute the value of the tokens of the ICO project that investors receive in exchange for their investments.
In Smart Contract section you can specify the main terms of your project: organizational, financial and other.To create a smart contract go to “Project management” and click on the “Create” button in the “Project Smart Contract “ panel.
Fill in the name and an abbreviation of your token, the number of token decimals, the percentage of tokens intended for the project team.
Specify the cost of selling each token in dollar terms, as well as the start and the end dates of the ICO.
Make sure that all items are filled in correctly because after creating a smart contract of an ICO campaign, you can’t change it anymore.

We will be glad to welcome your project on testing the platform, you can apply by filling out the form below

We also invite experts, specialists, analysts in the field of crowdfunding for further partnership, please feel free to contact us

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