When it's time to upgrade to the Evo version, do I need to copy my wallet file from classic to the evo folder? (I'm a miner) Or how do I access my funds, it's a fork right, or not?
Sorry for the delay, lots of BiblePay things going on.
So just to be *extra* careful during this upgrade, I moved the BiblePay data directory for Evolution to a different location. You might ask why; with Evo we have HD wallet support and yes Dash does have an upgrade from legacy wallets (but during testing I ran into a couple errors and that made me nervous for one) - in addition, the block format is changing and Evo adds an extra database file (Evo supports both compact and non compact blocks). Just to be safe I decided its less risky for us to ask the users to just copy their wallet.dat to the new location. Technically, its a good exercise to always have an extra copy of wallet.dat anyway (and I encourage users to keep an offsite copy of your wallet.dat on a flash drive). Maybe someday, we will have a nice hardware wallet and a branded flash drive

For now, let me give you the high level technical solution; and when we are closer to launching Ill make a wiki page for Getting Started that includes more details, and our ability to join POG at the same time.
Migrating To Evolution from Classic:
Old application data directory: %appdata%\biblepaycore (or ~/.biblepaycore)
New application data directory: %appdata%\biblepayevolution (or ~/.biblepayevolution)
Steps to migrate:
Copy wallet.dat from the old place to the new place then boot Evo.
Note: You can let the blocks sync manually to ensure your governance files get updated correctly.
Once things settle down you can delete your old:
~/.biblepaycore -r
~/biblepay -r
Files to regain the disk space.
Regarding the Hard Fork question at block 123,200:
Yes, after block 123,199 biblepay-classic ceases to work correctly and forks at that point. So it is recommended to upgrade to the mandatory version by block 123,000 (this is the block height where our May governance superblock is paid).