Activity: 491
Merit: 0
June 10, 2019, 10:49:35 PM |
why are rewards per block in pow so low? they was above 5000 and now below 2000 in avg. nothins special that i have several with about 1200bbp/block
Reward: you got the whole reward on a block its because the sancs didn't vote on that blocks winner to a great extent (> 10 votes). See 'masternode winners' for empty blocks. hm i dont understand, there is POBH Mining Reward: 3750 BBP but i cant see that high reward in previous blocks this is from pool history 2579 2177 2074 2466 2176 1770 2420 1402 1206 1773 2184 1406 2626 1351 1221 1618 1864 2687 2917 2210 2087 1382 1686 2067 2199 i'm getting similar on solo machines Take block 122579, your first one, I see a 5162 pobh reward and 5162 sanc reward. Do you have a specific block # you would like to hone in on, and I can break it down. Do realize that 48.5% is escrowed for Governance starting at 124,000, that is to fund the 950K per day reward going to the GSC contract. Its a deflating figure as usual. this tx, i got 1436bbp as reward for solo mined block
bible_pay (OP)
Full Member
Activity: 1176
Merit: 215
Jesus is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords
June 10, 2019, 11:10:09 PM |
why are rewards per block in pow so low? they was above 5000 and now below 2000 in avg. nothins special that i have several with about 1200bbp/block
Reward: you got the whole reward on a block its because the sancs didn't vote on that blocks winner to a great extent (> 10 votes). See 'masternode winners' for empty blocks. hm i dont understand, there is POBH Mining Reward: 3750 BBP but i cant see that high reward in previous blocks this is from pool history 2579 2177 2074 2466 2176 1770 2420 1402 1206 1773 2184 1406 2626 1351 1221 1618 1864 2687 2917 2210 2087 1382 1686 2067 2199 i'm getting similar on solo machines Take block 122579, your first one, I see a 5162 pobh reward and 5162 sanc reward. Do you have a specific block # you would like to hone in on, and I can break it down. Do realize that 48.5% is escrowed for Governance starting at 124,000, that is to fund the 950K per day reward going to the GSC contract. Its a deflating figure as usual. this tx, i got 1436bbp as reward for solo mined block Yes, block 124281 only pays 1436.59 for the sanc and 1436.59 for the solo miner, because our difficulty of the *prior* block drives the DGW influence, so in this case we had a prior diff of 85K, meaning that would create a 5600 bbp total block. Then 48.5% is escrowed to the smartcontract&governance, leaving 2850 for the reward, and then that is split by the miner and the sanc. In this case the sanc BBjm did get half.
Activity: 99
Merit: 0
June 11, 2019, 04:24:57 AM |
Hey all, I cant seem to be able to attach to the biblepay pool. I set up the biblepay.conf file correctly but it would keep giving me the error "worker ID empty in pool config". After letting it run overnight it no longer gives an error but just shows that pool mining is false and no pool url is listed when I get mining info. Here is my current config file:
pool= workerid=Borgholio
Thanks in advance for any help.
I thought of one more possibility after I replied, as you confirmed, you already confirmed the debug.log in that directory has a recent timestamp, so that makes us sure you are in the right dir. So please take a look at this next. In each OS we have a different carriage return delimiter. Could you please try re-creating the biblepay.conf on your machine fresh (IE with notepad or nano) and typing in the lines delimited by a <RETURN>, and ensure there is an extra <RETURN> at the end of the file, then restart? (Also ensure there are no extra blank carriage returns throughout the file - as I see above you have one after minersleep, take those out). Thanks! Thats probably it since we checked everything else. Wow, what a silly fix. I can't believe it worked!  I actually just took the .conf file, removed all the extra carriage returns, saved it as a .txt file, then changed the extension from .txt back to .conf, restarted the wallet and I'm in! Thanks for your help. 
June 11, 2019, 04:56:23 AM |
Hey all, I cant seem to be able to attach to the biblepay pool. I set up the biblepay.conf file correctly but it would keep giving me the error "worker ID empty in pool config". After letting it run overnight it no longer gives an error but just shows that pool mining is false and no pool url is listed when I get mining info. Here is my current config file:
pool= workerid=Borgholio
Thanks in advance for any help.
I thought of one more possibility after I replied, as you confirmed, you already confirmed the debug.log in that directory has a recent timestamp, so that makes us sure you are in the right dir. So please take a look at this next. In each OS we have a different carriage return delimiter. Could you please try re-creating the biblepay.conf on your machine fresh (IE with notepad or nano) and typing in the lines delimited by a <RETURN>, and ensure there is an extra <RETURN> at the end of the file, then restart? (Also ensure there are no extra blank carriage returns throughout the file - as I see above you have one after minersleep, take those out). Thanks! Thats probably it since we checked everything else. Wow, what a silly fix. I can't believe it worked!  I actually just took the .conf file, removed all the extra carriage returns, saved it as a .txt file, then changed the extension from .txt back to .conf, restarted the wallet and I'm in! Thanks for your help.  I researched a similar issue 9 months ago. Perhaps it fits your specific situation...? Configuration not read biblepay.conf is Mac file format (CR) on Windows QT
Jr. Member
Activity: 175
Merit: 1
June 11, 2019, 09:25:56 AM |
Hello, I am a bit lost with the current rewards so I prefer that someone who owns a sanctuary can clarify my doubt. How much BBP reward (per day or per week) can I get from a sanc?
June 11, 2019, 09:52:11 AM |
Hello, I am a bit lost with the current rewards so I prefer that someone who owns a sanctuary can clarify my doubt. How much BBP reward (per day or per week) can I get from a sanc?
Activity: 491
Merit: 0
June 11, 2019, 11:45:44 AM |
why are rewards per block in pow so low? they was above 5000 and now below 2000 in avg. nothins special that i have several with about 1200bbp/block
Reward: you got the whole reward on a block its because the sancs didn't vote on that blocks winner to a great extent (> 10 votes). See 'masternode winners' for empty blocks. hm i dont understand, there is POBH Mining Reward: 3750 BBP but i cant see that high reward in previous blocks this is from pool history 2579 2177 2074 2466 2176 1770 2420 1402 1206 1773 2184 1406 2626 1351 1221 1618 1864 2687 2917 2210 2087 1382 1686 2067 2199 i'm getting similar on solo machines Take block 122579, your first one, I see a 5162 pobh reward and 5162 sanc reward. Do you have a specific block # you would like to hone in on, and I can break it down. Do realize that 48.5% is escrowed for Governance starting at 124,000, that is to fund the 950K per day reward going to the GSC contract. Its a deflating figure as usual. this tx, i got 1436bbp as reward for solo mined block Yes, block 124281 only pays 1436.59 for the sanc and 1436.59 for the solo miner, because our difficulty of the *prior* block drives the DGW influence, so in this case we had a prior diff of 85K, meaning that would create a 5600 bbp total block. Then 48.5% is escrowed to the smartcontract&governance, leaving 2850 for the reward, and then that is split by the miner and the sanc. In this case the sanc BBjm did get half. hmm interesting, i had an idea that we are emitting constant volume of bbp overtime (decreased from time to time - deflation)
bible_pay (OP)
Full Member
Activity: 1176
Merit: 215
Jesus is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords
June 11, 2019, 02:07:03 PM |
Hey all, I cant seem to be able to attach to the biblepay pool. I set up the biblepay.conf file correctly but it would keep giving me the error "worker ID empty in pool config". After letting it run overnight it no longer gives an error but just shows that pool mining is false and no pool url is listed when I get mining info. Here is my current config file:
pool= workerid=Borgholio
Thanks in advance for any help.
I thought of one more possibility after I replied, as you confirmed, you already confirmed the debug.log in that directory has a recent timestamp, so that makes us sure you are in the right dir. So please take a look at this next. In each OS we have a different carriage return delimiter. Could you please try re-creating the biblepay.conf on your machine fresh (IE with notepad or nano) and typing in the lines delimited by a <RETURN>, and ensure there is an extra <RETURN> at the end of the file, then restart? (Also ensure there are no extra blank carriage returns throughout the file - as I see above you have one after minersleep, take those out). Thanks! Thats probably it since we checked everything else. Wow, what a silly fix. I can't believe it worked!  I actually just took the .conf file, removed all the extra carriage returns, saved it as a .txt file, then changed the extension from .txt back to .conf, restarted the wallet and I'm in! Thanks for your help.  Thanks for the update, and I'm very happy you are mining again!
bible_pay (OP)
Full Member
Activity: 1176
Merit: 215
Jesus is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords
June 11, 2019, 02:25:24 PM |
Hello, I am a bit lost with the current rewards so I prefer that someone who owns a sanctuary can clarify my doubt. How much BBP reward (per day or per week) can I get from a sanc?
Thanks! nice charts and accurate info. I like how the price chart has a milestone where our lockup req's changed.
bible_pay (OP)
Full Member
Activity: 1176
Merit: 215
Jesus is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords
June 11, 2019, 02:34:20 PM |
Pastor Andrew from Kairos Childrens fund is asking if we would like to have a banner at his 3 day national conference in the Philipines: These are the packages that we are offering. Check out our website at $100 : We will have 2 banners outside the hotel during the 3 day event. One more banner inside. The logo and tagline will be at the bottom, small, but readable from the back of the room or across the road $50 : We will distribute small brochure about your company or product along with the packet that we give them at the beginning of the event. $50 : We will also post a logo under 'sponsored by' on the website, with a link to the Biblepay website. $50 : We will have your company or product mentioned at the beginning of the 1st session every day. (as a great cryptocurrency for christians.) + $25 : Your business / product will be announced as a major sponsor of the event * If time permits, I will discuss biblepay with interesting people and pastors. * We are thinking of - - http://www.winnegor.orgIs anyone here interested in creating the banner for us (in graphics software) and the pamphlet, and spearheading the message for the banner and the pamphlet (if we go with all 4 above packages from our PR budget proposal)?(I just asked Andrew what size and type the file needs to be and when the event is).
bible_pay (OP)
Full Member
Activity: 1176
Merit: 215
Jesus is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords
June 11, 2019, 02:45:55 PM |
I see we have about 80% upgraded to, however some are still hitting with causing the global total HPS to be skewed very high.
Please upgrade to today if possible.
My goal is to clear up the figures by the end of the day - meaning we might enforce the mandatory (for pool users only).
Activity: 491
Merit: 0
June 11, 2019, 07:08:28 PM |
is it possible to implement something like dry run of send gscc (or others)? i just wanna know how many poinst i'll get and then i decide if i send or will waiting
June 11, 2019, 07:21:50 PM Last edit: June 11, 2019, 08:07:41 PM by inblue |
is it possible to implement something like dry run of send gscc (or others)? i just wanna know how many poinst i'll get and then i decide if i send or will waiting
You can just calculate it, see the formula here: the easiest way to find out your coin age is this: Go to the Send tab, open the Coin Selection window, take the number of confirmations and divide it by 205 - that is your coin age.
bible_pay (OP)
Full Member
Activity: 1176
Merit: 215
Jesus is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords
June 11, 2019, 07:53:56 PM |
Letter writing rewards increased to 21K, please write a letter in the pool.
bible_pay (OP)
Full Member
Activity: 1176
Merit: 215
Jesus is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords
June 11, 2019, 07:58:25 PM |
is it possible to implement something like dry run of send gscc (or others)? i just wanna know how many poinst i'll get and then i decide if i send or will waiting
In addition to what Inblue said, you can do this also: exec getabnweight The "weight" column is your total coin*age in the whole wallet. The "total_required" is the amount of free BBP we believe you have. The way this relates to POG: If you multiply the pog_coinagepercent * the current coin*age in the wallet, you will see how much coin*age the GSC transmission would have contained. I realize we should make a special dry run for this purpose (good idea, thanks), with dedicated captions for this, but hopefully this gets you through for now.
Activity: 491
Merit: 0
June 11, 2019, 08:39:59 PM |
is it possible to implement something like dry run of send gscc (or others)? i just wanna know how many poinst i'll get and then i decide if i send or will waiting
You can just calculate it, see the formula here: the easiest way to find out your coin age is this: Go to the Send tab, open the Coin Selection window, take the number of confirmations and divide it by 205 - that is your coin age. i have 350 piles of coins in wallet with different ages...  its too hard to calculate, and as bonus i dont know which ones from them will be taken for creating tx
bible_pay (OP)
Full Member
Activity: 1176
Merit: 215
Jesus is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords
June 11, 2019, 08:41:13 PM |
is it possible to implement something like dry run of send gscc (or others)? i just wanna know how many poinst i'll get and then i decide if i send or will waiting
You can just calculate it, see the formula here: the easiest way to find out your coin age is this: Go to the Send tab, open the Coin Selection window, take the number of confirmations and divide it by 205 - that is your coin age. i have 350 piles of coins in wallet with different ages...  its too hard to calculate, and as bonus i dont know which ones from them will be taken for creating tx If you run that command I pasted, say you have pogcoinagepercentage set at .50, it will actually stop pulling as soon as it gets half of your coin age inducted in a tx. (Not half of your wallet balance).
Activity: 491
Merit: 0
June 11, 2019, 08:56:31 PM |
is it possible to implement something like dry run of send gscc (or others)? i just wanna know how many poinst i'll get and then i decide if i send or will waiting
You can just calculate it, see the formula here: the easiest way to find out your coin age is this: Go to the Send tab, open the Coin Selection window, take the number of confirmations and divide it by 205 - that is your coin age. i have 350 piles of coins in wallet with different ages...  its too hard to calculate, and as bonus i dont know which ones from them will be taken for creating tx If you run that command I pasted, say you have pogcoinagepercentage set at .50, it will actually stop pulling as soon as it gets half of your coin age inducted in a tx. (Not half of your wallet balance). "weight": 49506708.64300925 "total_required": 5945782 i only set pog_foundationdonation=25000 i think i have default 10% because about 10% of bbp is taken for tx soo will it be ~ 4.95m * 29?
bible_pay (OP)
Full Member
Activity: 1176
Merit: 215
Jesus is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords
June 11, 2019, 08:58:17 PM |
is it possible to implement something like dry run of send gscc (or others)? i just wanna know how many poinst i'll get and then i decide if i send or will waiting
You can just calculate it, see the formula here: the easiest way to find out your coin age is this: Go to the Send tab, open the Coin Selection window, take the number of confirmations and divide it by 205 - that is your coin age. i have 350 piles of coins in wallet with different ages...  its too hard to calculate, and as bonus i dont know which ones from them will be taken for creating tx If you run that command I pasted, say you have pogcoinagepercentage set at .50, it will actually stop pulling as soon as it gets half of your coin age inducted in a tx. (Not half of your wallet balance). "weight": 49506708.64300925 "total_required": 5945782 i only set pog_foundationdonation=25000 i think i have default 10% because about 10% of bbp is taken for tx soo will it be ~ 4.95m * 29? Yeah, the default is 10%, so it would take 4.9 MM weight from you . So if you want to test it, try exec sendgscc then run the abn weight command again, and theoretically it would show 44MM weight.
bible_pay (OP)
Full Member
Activity: 1176
Merit: 215
Jesus is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords
June 11, 2019, 09:15:22 PM |
Can anyone else replicate? in macOS, if I click on Details for Leaderboard, I get repeated numbers like below. I'm using  It looks like the problem is the "Owed" column is being populated with an incorrect value (in Details mode) while our network is in compatibility mode. Please disregard Owed for now in Detail mode, and just use the prominence column as a rough gauge. I'll fix this Owed column value stat.