June 24, 2013, 12:03:08 AM |
The ordinary concept of a currency exchange, which bases itself on the value at which different currencies at traded at with respect to one another, is an old inferior concept that needs to disappear.
It's a waste of time and not important for the development of a proper cyrpto-currency.
A much better solution would be an exchange where you own share of the cyrpto-currencies simultaneously coming in. Shares can be issued for the first time the same way that coins are mined into existence, or using a similar system to PPCoin (or the reverse, which is an inverse proof-of-stake method).
To purchase a share, you contribute a certain amount of cyprto-currency flux. There are some people who are trying to deplete their shares in exchange for cyrpto-currencies. Those are the shares that are available.
If you have 200 people contributing flux and 100 people disposing of their shares, then these 200 people are competing for the shares being depleted by those 100 people.
In other words, an exchange can be a hedge against volatility in the unconventional sense in that you are purchasing a share of flux.
If there 1000 shares of flux being depleted, and if you are contributing 1% of total new flux, you get 1% of the flux currently being depleted. This translates into 10 shares. Of course, the number of shares being depleted can change overtime, and therefore, so would the number of actual shares you get.
When markets go up, you can expect more cyrpto-currency flux to go through, so disposing of your shares would allow you to draw-out additional cyrpto-currency. This then sends the shares to the people who are contributing new cyrpto-currency flux. In terms of profiting from the trade, this includes both people who withdraw from the shares and those who obtain the shares, as these somewhat dilute the value of those shares that are still being held away from the exchange. However, this dilution is balanced out by condition that the market for cypro-currency is going up, and therefore the prices of the shares is self-stabilized and resilient against any pump and dump scheme.
When the influx of cyrpto-currencies goes down, then people would be more likely to save their shares until the flux increases again. Those who decide to withdraw their shares anyway will find less company, and therefore be able to capture a greater percentage of influx of cyrpto-currencies. Furthermore, fewer shares being depleted at the same time means that a reduced currency flux meets a reduced available share quantity, stabilizing the value of each share, even in down markets.