Hello, when/how we will receive the discount codes to order from cloudhashing?
Do your self a favor and wait just a bit to order.
https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=173316.120 this is the cloudhashing thread and more then one of us are asking what has happened to out July contracts. He has told us he will post a new letter. Since your prize costs money and will last 2 months before it expires I advise you to read the thread link above before you sign and pay for a contract. Obviously if he posts the info promised to the June-July contract holders fast and it makes sense signing a contract is a good idea.
Thank you for the suggestion.
I ordered in June an "Indefinite" contract, but I have not been able to pay for technical issues (internet connection). The order looks "pending" in my dashboard.I asked many times to pay but they just told me "open a new order" but that kind of contracts are not available any more.
I was just trying to close that order. If it won't be possible I will be glad to give my prize to someone else
Frankly I never would have purchased a contract but for bitminter.
The dr has been great amazing and has made many many many coins for me.
I have mined 100% bitminter with no backup pools just the doc's. I have been very loyal to his pool. Other then owning some AM stock which I sold.
I purchased the contract from cloudhasher because of him (Doc H) and him alone.
Hey guys sorry for late responded to your queries.
We were at the bitcoin London event all day so were pretty tied down. Some of you reported issues with the Discount codes that have now been resolved.
Regarding July contracts, we will be making an announcement shortly with regards to that.
Long short is we are still awaiting hardware and should get it before month's end. Also we are finishing off virtual mining statistics and secure offline payment system.
All this should be done soon.
Will keep y'all posted.