Hi ;
I want to Change my BTC address for identification.
I do not own private key because my btc address.
I update the btc address on all my posts if necessary.
I will do my next reports with this new BTC address.
Would you help me please.
Old BTC address is 14EYsGj1eHYLFv2Ue7RLM6C5s1DXgq6GJi
NEW BTC address is 1Dark1y54wWXzdewW7hGPLbitd9mgjLNHv
Bitcointalk username : DarkXen
Twitter account :
https://twitter.com/kemalali34 Telegram username : DarkXen
Twitteraudit :
https://www.twitteraudit.com/kemalali34Facebook account :
Best Regards.