Proof of authentication post link:
Twitter campaign
profile twitter :
Telegram campaign
Thank you
Hello sir ! I don't have a link to Twitter here . just now I saw. my Twitter . Could you me to make into a table I have all the conditions fulfilled. thank you sir
Read twitter campaign rules and you will understand why you can't find yourself in CEDEX twitter campaign spreadsheet.
Hi Sylon
My old myetherwallet: 0xd2964d2816287410B0b3e0f4485BFcbbca5F4FC3
This my new myetherwallet address: 0x3a14aFEAC599E7BF7963aDD71efAF55447845b12
If you can change the old address I do not use anymore thank you.
Bitcointalk username: Wolf of Btrex
Forum rank: Member
Posts count: 90
ETH address: 0x313bFA373F02A03D9F784Cd4e76fb3CB898B34EA
If you want to get accepted, you have to wear CEDEX signature first.
Bitcointalk username: Win07
Forum rank: Full member
Posts count: 147
ETH address: 0x6B3326A0aA4E7f9E525b57E8087Add3d13EfB31f
Participants with red trust score are not eligible for this campaign.
hi manager sylon why my name is not on spreadsheet but i tried to open the form it says im already responded.pls heres my
twitter username: @wellcent14
username bitcointalk :Wel24
Read CEDEX twitter campaign rules and you will understand why you can't find yourself in the spreadsheet.
hello sir, please update my rank in signature campaign from jr. member becomes a member,
number of spreadsheet: 106
and please change also sir, with current ETH Addres: 0x84DB3aD92dDb7D3A20eB032B8A141012A81332b5
Bitcointalk ussernem: coffigayo
Link profile: https: // Action = profile; u = 1363093
Thank you for the help.
Hello Sylon, and why is Twitter silent? The last one is on the 25th of January. Something happened?
CEDEX team is working very hard. That's all.
Good day manager.
Sir i joined your bounty cedex fromcampaign on twitter but i didn't saw my name spread sheet. How i know if im accepted or rejected?
Thanks manager
Read the campaign rules!