Ok, this is really ugly, so hopefully JSON-RPC dies soon...
noncerange is provided to the miner in the usual big endian format: 100000001fffffff for all nonces from 0x10000000 to 0x1fffffff; this part is sane at least

However, since SHA256 processes in big-endian integers, while the rest of our block data is given in little-endian, this part gets hairy: the nonce will always come out in the
opposite endian as the rest of the data. Since solutions are given as 32-bit big endian chunks, this means that
in the solution, your nonce will be written as little endian. So for our example, dddddd1d is acceptable, and 1ddddddd is not.
On the bright side, this means you can do a simple iterative for loop from <nonce-start> to <nonce-end> and just plug the value into the nonce index in the SHA256 integer data
regardless of what endian your platform is.