In the white paper you said "inspire those seven millions of BR1M recipients to join us, and build a self-supportive, decentralized ecosystem, which will grow their wealth and create a future proof income, by trading, hosting, mining BR1M coins."
What do you exactly plan to inspire them? Trainings? Coaching? Incentivize?
Also, white paper talks about integration with 1Malasian products/ecosystem, can you elaborate on what it means?
What do you exactly plan to inspire them? Trainings? Coaching? Incentivize?
Exposure to BR1Mcoin. Opening a booth at the BR1M centre, whenever the aid is being released.
Incentives part is giveaway BR1Mcoin to actual BR1m receiver. This will be another mini-project.
There are multiple 1Malaysia products, example book voucher. Instead of printing and physical handout, using BR1MCoin is alternate viable approach. Bookstore then can accept BR1mcoin as a medium of payment.