The most perspective:
1) Litecoin (LTC)
Market cap: $13.95 billion
Performance over last 12 months, as of Jan. 3: +6,025%
2)Monero (XMR)
Market cap: $5.95 billion
Performance in 2017: +2,596%
Market cap: $5.86 billion
Performance in 2017: +83,570%
4)Cardano (Ada)
Market cap: $20.21 billion
Performance in 2017 (since start of trading in October): +3,296%
5)Ripple (XRP)
Market cap: $95.45 billion
Performance in 2017: +41,040%
6)Iota (MIOTA)
Market cap: $11.10 billion
Performance in 2017 (since start of trading in June): +525%
7)Bitcoin Cash
Market cap: $45.61 billion
Performance in 2017 (since start of trading in July): +623%
Most of this coins are not mineable, why this chart ?