Tried bitpie but for me was too much of a hassle. First bither then bitpie..somewhere on the way got confused on what I need to do. Finaly found a wallet that I could use to claim most of the forked coins https :// Easy and fast!
An unknown wallet being "promoted" by a brand new user?
On top of that... it's a "closed source" wallet... on a website with no FAQ, no Support, no About... ONLY download links?
Hmmmm alarm bells are starting to ring!
Virtually nothing on Google relating to this site... except it's honorable mention on "badbitcoin" -
The cynical title to this scam betrays the callousness of these thieves. If you give them your Private Keys, all your existing funds, and any future airdrops belong to them. 2/17/18
Tagging this as "
Highly suspect"... I would strongly recommend that people DO NOT download this Excrypts wallet