December 01, 2017, 11:49:39 AM |
Many would say that they will not sell it quick by now since they know the future it holds on increasing of its value but I think this will only do to the risk takers and to those who not in need for money in this time being. But actually in reality this doesn't happen to those whose in need for money that's why many are selling some of its bitcoin. I know that selling it right now is too young and holding it right now is always good to be, but to those doesn't have futuristic view of this currency they might sell it right away.
December 01, 2017, 12:41:44 PM |
I won't sell except I need the money to pay for something I need. I am thinking of BTC as a new technology which I adopt and not as an asset which helps me to get rich (would be a nice side-effect  ) 11k or 10k I’m good with both, if I happened to sell at any of the both price, it will be definitely Okay. But since the price is always going up, I don’t see any reason to sell yet, and as I’m seeing it, the price won’t fall, rather it will keep on going up everyday. Yes, both of those price are really ripe for selling. I believed some of the traders already dump some of their bitcoin stash that's why we see price correction in the last couple of days. You can't blame them. The price is too hard and too tempting not to get at least a profit and enjoy it with your families. It feesl good to get your reward of HODLing bitcoin for so long. Nothing is wrong about it. So I will just keep it till my mind says sell it, then I will sell. I’m not trying to be greedy, but I just don’t see any reason why I should, I can only be withdrawing sometimes when I’m in need of something. Also, every month, I do withdraw a certain percentage from my bitcoin.
I will always do withdraw my bitcoin and re-invest it somewhere though. But there are times that I hold. I sold at around $9600 then $10600, I'm extremely happy when I did it. I was asleep when it touches $11,000 though, I should have sold some as well. LOL. I understand your point, if you don't need the money then why withdraw? Its that I also need some fiat and for my other investments. (not crypto or stock related).
R |
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December 01, 2017, 01:14:17 PM |
I will suggest to hold. Bitcoin is on the rise and will continue to do so for a while in my opinion.
So Hold your bitcoins! In a few years they will be worth way more than they are today.
December 01, 2017, 01:23:01 PM |
What is the point of selling at $11k, if there is no sign that the bubble will burst so soon. I think the bitcoin bubble will continue for some time, before the correction takes place.
December 01, 2017, 01:24:26 PM |
1) yes bitcoin is the future and the price will increase on the long run, but: 2) we are currently obv. bubbling (what is not happening the first time). I don't think that we are bubbling here at all. I mean come on if you are seeing the price increment from couple of dollars to all upto 11K then you just call it as bubble? Really? Why not call it as some good leaps in the regards of development, future upgrades etc. It is what happened over these years and thats why people invested into it by building a some sort of legacy here. So I'm confident enough that it is not any kind of bubble here. The time will tell us how bitcoin is out performing the market and when there will be real day to day applications in force.
December 01, 2017, 01:59:07 PM |
Hey guys,
lets make it short: 1) yes bitcoin is the future and the price will increase on the long run, but: 2) we are currently obv. bubbling (what is not happening the first time).
So my question is - do you sell now in order to get a cheaper entry soon?
I think you guys agree that there has to be a price correction in the nearer future...
Thanks for your input!
The answer to this question is very simple as the question is that if you make profits that are enough then you should sell at that moment avoiding long term hodling and become greedy to gain profits in future which might not come true due to some regulations or price downfall or dumping situation. So at this moment with price at $11k USD you are in profit and after when there is price dip buy more and hold them until you gain hefty profits exactly what a experienced traders do.
December 01, 2017, 02:41:23 PM |
If I am to ask, I don't want to sell. I just wanted to hodl it for more upcoming pumps. Sometimes, it can not be avoided. We sell because we badly needed the money. I also feel regretful about it especially with huge pumps are happening. Sometimes, we sell at the new break and buy when there is a correction. That is profitable too.
Sr. Member
Activity: 588
Merit: 251
December 01, 2017, 02:47:51 PM |
2days ago I just sold my Bitcoin at 11k, and sold it at 9k. Now I am aiming for the next swing trade target, may be $12k or $15k. Some bearish people believed that Bitcoin's top would be 12k, then bear season. But as for me the next BTC Top would be $20k or higher.
December 01, 2017, 02:52:54 PM |
Hey guys,
lets make it short: 1) yes bitcoin is the future and the price will increase on the long run, but: 2) we are currently obv. bubbling (what is not happening the first time).
So my question is - do you sell now in order to get a cheaper entry soon?
I think you guys agree that there has to be a price correction in the nearer future...
Thanks for your input!
I will never sell bitcoin before the price reaches $ 1,000,000 I will only make a bitcoin savings for my future. I believe bitcoin will arrive at that price for a long time.
Activity: 19
Merit: 0
December 01, 2017, 02:56:06 PM |
I haven't got any yet. Very eager to earn and experience things that you are talking about selling coins. Hoping that I make some soon. But if I have bitcoins I would hold them and not sell until it reach half a million (if I can see it feasible within a time frame)
December 01, 2017, 02:56:54 PM |
I think we are going to the moon in the next couple of days since CME has already confirmed that they are going to offer bitcoin futures in Dec. 18. So this is the right time not to sell even if the price is too high. I checked the price is it going to $11K once again, maybe because the word is out already. In no circumstances that you are going to sell bitcoin now, we may see that it can go as high $15K at the end of the year. Expect a fresh cash flow will be moving and maybe some altcoin traders shifting again to bitcoin because it is only the best investment so far. See $11K again tomorrow. 
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December 01, 2017, 03:17:07 PM |
2days ago I just sold my Bitcoin at 11k, and sold it at 9k. Now I am aiming for the next swing trade target, may be $12k or $15k. Some bearish people believed that Bitcoin's top would be 12k, then bear season. But as for me the next BTC Top would be $20k or higher.
Bitcoin now was fluctuate into different side, also I noticed that selling and buying bitcoin now in the market was so high differences. If I'm not wrong exchange of bitcoin in my wallet had difference of 0.0002 so it's hard for me to make a decision regarding exchanging of bitcoin into cash and cash into bitcoin. But I was not worries since bitcoin are starting to raising up again, maybe a little bit steps and bitcoin value are touches $15, 000 before end of this year
Don Pedro Dinero
Activity: 1596
Merit: 1966
Top-tier crypto casino and sportsbook
December 01, 2017, 03:46:46 PM |
If you are true believer and don’t need the money it is better to not sell until bitcoin is mainstream adopted. If that happens, bitcoin price will be much higher than today’s one.
It depends also on the kind of investment. It is not the same to have invested a big sum when it was at $3.000 than to keep adding regular small investments. In the first case it is reasonable to sell a small percentage while remaining invested.
Activity: 1764
Merit: 1012
December 01, 2017, 04:09:49 PM |
Actually, i think people who still joining are early adopters.
The big part of the population don't know about cryptos or not even tried to have some.
I believe it will be somewhere around 500.000$ - 1.000.000$ in 3-5 years.
I will sell probably when it reaches 1.000.000$
December 01, 2017, 04:24:59 PM |
Yes, when Bitcoin reaches 11k, I think you should sell it right away. There is too much danger, it can burst at any time or will be adjusted in the near future. I think Bitcoin is close to its limits and for whatever reason it can grow, it will decrease in the near future, everyone wants to.
December 01, 2017, 05:12:41 PM |
I think I’m strong believer of the bitcoin and I will wait for some more days or even months to see whether the bitcoin is standing in regards with its market capitalism and the price. Im sure hat it will go upwards only and that is what I love about it. You just speculate something about it in positive way for few months form now and bitcoin will catch the prices for sure. I seen many threads mid month this year and all were saying that bitcoin will pump to above 5K prices and it followed the wish of millions and see where it is now.
I don’t think there is any kind of bubble here. It is straightforward market here. Those who love it and trust it are making the investment and those who doesn’t like it are hating it. That is all is happening here and we can’t do anything about it.
So there is still huge time to sell the coins.
December 01, 2017, 06:02:14 PM |
I like it how people say to hold no matter the price at all.
current price X > hold until the price Y > When the price is Y > hold until the price is Z > etc...
Can you profit from selling? if so then you can you sell, just be careful not to sell lower than the current price is.
Need some spare btc for a new PC that can at least run Adobe Dreamweaver.
BTC - 19qm3kH4MZELkefEb55HCe4Y5jgRRLCQmn ♦♦♦ ETH - 0xd71ACd8781d66393eBfc3Acd65B224e97Ae1952D
December 01, 2017, 06:28:08 PM |
The bubble call outs can keep coming but HODLers will continue to HODL. These are the people who are poised to wait for a very long period of time for a massive rate of interest on their investment, so I don't see why they would lose their patience at any given point in time as bubble accusations continue surfacing. $11k is just another foothold and 2018 promises to be a highly progressive year for Bitcoin with speculations that it might reach upto $40k.
December 01, 2017, 07:11:48 PM |
I think the answer to this question also depends on where you have bought in... If you have bought in at $100, of course then you should sell some to realise your profit. If you have bought in at $9K... well I think you should probably hold a little bit and set your stop loss at $9K.
God Fist

Activity: 126
Merit: 25
December 01, 2017, 07:20:49 PM |
Even tho i'm not holding lots of coins , actually not even one coin , i won't be interested in selling my funds since i'm more of a holder and i don't really need this money since it's not going to change a lot in my life . At best this can get me a hotel room for a week and nothing more . So i'm going to keep my funds until i gather a lot more and wait for it to eventually rise more in value .