Can someone explain to me why people keep saying bitcoin fees are low? I transferred some bitcoin to my ledger and it cost like $14 and change that seems like the same amount a bank would charge right? So I don't quite understand how their fees or mining fees are low.
There fees are not normal these days but they always have lower fee structure. Im guessing that they have increased the mining fees due to spiked prices of the bitcoin. Otherwise you could just pay cents per transaction to get your transaction confirmed within next 25 blocks!
Also, do check what limit or fees you have yourself set within your wallet settings. Yes, you can set your own fees too, and if you had the transaction fees set to higher per kb data then probably that might have caused you so much fees. To be honest you can still set it very low and then everything can get transferred within few hours. If you are not hurry then you can always choose this option.