Bitcoin Bank
Did anyone think at this? How would a bank work? How could you loan bitcoins and get interest for them in an economy with just 21 milion BTC limit?
Yes, a bitcoin bank would make money off of internal transfers transaction fees in my opinion, not on loans, future will tell :)
Quote from: wobber on December 28, 2010, 02:10:58 PM
Did anyone think at this? How would a bank work? How could you loan bitcoins and get interest for them in an economy with just 21 milion BTC limit?
Check out ripple.
Quote from: wobber on December 28, 2010, 02:10:58 PM
Did anyone think at this? How would a bank work? How could you loan bitcoins and get interest for them in an economy with just 21 milion BTC limit?
Many people seem to be worried about losing their wallets, so I could see a bank as a trusted party to store bitcoins. They could also offer escrow services for people who wanted to enter into a transaction but did not trust each other. The beauty of starting a bank is that you don't need anyone's permission. ;D
A bitcoin bank does not make sense. A financial market in bitcoin will be more like investment funds, where you lend your bitcoins and they invest them and receive interest on your investments.
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