December 12, 2017, 05:04:22 AM Last edit: December 12, 2017, 07:30:37 PM by mprep |
Guys! Stop this mining and buy it, the scammer's coin should be dead. There is no doubt that this is a 100% scam.
Activity: 33
Merit: 0
December 12, 2017, 05:11:33 AM Last edit: December 12, 2017, 07:30:29 PM by mprep |
Guys! Stop this mining and buy it, the scammer's coin should be dead. There is no doubt that this is a 100% scam.
justify your opinion
Activity: 97
Merit: 10
December 12, 2017, 10:26:27 AM |
it's foolish.
Activity: 114
Merit: 100
December 12, 2017, 12:56:37 PM |
at the price goes down to 1700 sat how sad i am, yesterday i bought 62 neodash at 5002 sat hikkssss
December 12, 2017, 03:55:29 PM |
Dev gets angry because of the troll's community But in essence, he earned a decent amount of money So he walks with joy
Activity: 78
Merit: 0
December 12, 2017, 05:44:53 PM |
Anybody can do the same people some good fork within lyra algoritm and some features, but not this shit scam for only dev profit
Activity: 78
Merit: 0
December 12, 2017, 07:29:51 PM Last edit: December 12, 2017, 07:30:18 PM by mprep |
In connection with inadequate perception and trolling of a coin, I refuse to develop this project.
I leave the server to work, I delete premine wallet.
Good luck.
Nice job dev, you deceived people, earned money and ran away.
Activity: 78
Merit: 0
December 12, 2017, 07:42:56 PM |
i'm shoked what's going on! would leave my comment here too to make people stay away of this coin. DID YOU SEE THAT: dev, you are fuckin' bastard!
It's you bastard! What do not you like, moron? People have launched the purchased MN, six pieces of coins earn a lot, sell them. Premain on the spot, you fucking pig !!! You do not know me, so what the fuck, you treat me like that, deer fuck !!! Дeбил блядь! Last sentence means : "Idiot fuck sake! " And this shit: мУдaчник, ты cкaзки нe лeй пpo зaпycтившиx мacтepнoды cчacтливчикoв, y вcex oшибкa c пopтoм 7135 Люди влoжили cвoи дeньги в твoй пpoeкт, имeй минимaльнoe yвaжeниe тepпeливo oтвeчaть нa вoпpocы, a нe лaятcя кaк cyчкa co вceми. Дaвaй нopмaльнyю инcтpyкцию пo зaпycкy мacтepнoд или cкaжи пoчeмy oни нe paбoтaют и к тeбe нe бyдeт вoпpocoв
cлыш, тe ee зaпycкaл? ecли yмa нe xвaтaeт зaпycтить тo этo тoлькo твoи пpoблeмы! cyчкa, этo ты и дpyгиe нытики кoтopыe нoют в кaждoй нoвoй тeмe. тpoли ёбaныe! For sure, DEV (fuck sake !!!DEVELOPER!!!) is writing that if you have no brains to start node it's YOUR problem. Do you hear him? It's YOUR F*CKING PROBLEM Stay away of this shit, plz. P.S. i'm really sorry for that COCK, guys, don't blame russians "Every family has its black sheep"! Vitalik Buterin from russia (eth), also Sergey Brin (google), Kaspersky Russia give us best programmers
Jr. Member
Activity: 90
Merit: 2
December 13, 2017, 02:27:42 AM Last edit: December 13, 2017, 03:27:51 AM by _Art_ |
Vitalik Buterin from russia (eth),
Bитaлик имeeт pyccкиe кopни, нo являeтcя гpaждaнинoм Кaнaды c дeтcтвa, в paшe eмy cвeтилo бы нeзaвиднoe бyдyщee, тaк чтo нe нaдo eгo cюдa пpиплeтaть. A дeв, зapaбoтaл жeнe нa caпoги.
Activity: 78
Merit: 0
December 13, 2017, 10:52:26 AM |
Vitalik Buterin from russia (eth),
Bитaлик имeeт pyccкиe кopни, нo являeтcя гpaждaнинoм Кaнaды c дeтcтвa, в paшe eмy cвeтилo бы нeзaвиднoe бyдyщee, тaк чтo нe нaдo eгo cюдa пpиплeтaть. A дeв, зapaбoтaл жeнe нa caпoги. Bитaлик poдилcя в Poccии, пpoжил в Poccии 5 лeт (a в этoм вoзpacтe yжe фopмиpyeтcя личнocть), гoвopит пo pyccки, poдня pyccкиe нaвepнo. A гдe oн тaм ceйчac в Cингaпype или нa Maльдивax этo втopичнo. Booбщe CHГ кyзницa xopoшиx пpoгpaммиcтoв. Этoмy cпocoбcтвyeт ycлoвия oбитaния.
Activity: 78
Merit: 0
December 13, 2017, 01:10:15 PM |
Удaчa вepниcь, мы вepим в тeбя!!! Я тaк пoнимaю мoжнo pacxoдитcя.
Activity: 114
Merit: 100
December 13, 2017, 02:31:22 PM |
i lost my neodash..
the price goes very down down down
just a hundred sat
how sad i am... hiiiksss...
plus minus with btc
take all
December 14, 2017, 01:45:11 PM |
Dash is a coin, which is in the first lines of hit parade. I would like to understand why you called the New Dash coin? Are the developers the same? An algorithm starting from dash?
Activity: 182
Merit: 12
December 14, 2017, 01:46:28 PM |
Hello, sir. I am very happy to see the development of this from day to day, so I decided to make an article about this topic in my blog. If I do that, will I get additional stakes? thank you!
You really trying to scam and scammer? Inception much. Dev left the coin, as per his previous posts.
Activity: 143
Merit: 10
December 14, 2017, 02:04:41 PM |
ANN part of forum should be strongly moderated to stop scam coins at the beginning of their way. Many shit and scam nowdays.
Activity: 182
Merit: 12
December 14, 2017, 03:33:59 PM |
ANN part of forum should be strongly moderated to stop scam coins at the beginning of their way. Many shit and scam nowdays.
That would be really hard to control and manage. That's what this thread is made for, for devs to post their new coins, scam or not. It's up to the members to determine if it is a scam coin. The more information the devs provide the better.
December 17, 2017, 08:29:52 AM |
Hello, sir. I am very happy to see the development of this from day to day, so I decided to make an article about this topic in my blog. If I do that, will I get additional stakes? thank you!
You really trying to scam and scammer? Inception much. Dev left the coin, as per his previous posts. He only knows to write, can not read
Activity: 38
Merit: 0
December 17, 2017, 09:09:42 AM |
ANN part of forum should be strongly moderated to stop scam coins at the beginning of their way. Many shit and scam nowdays.
Lots are picked up as well after the devs bounce. Force probably being the latest. Since there is probably still a block chain and a listing and the dev publicly left, this is perfect for someone else to pick up the chain and continue, but they would have to act quickly.
December 18, 2017, 03:24:57 AM |
ANN part of forum should be strongly moderated to stop scam coins at the beginning of their way. Many shit and scam nowdays.
Lots are picked up as well after the devs bounce. Force probably being the latest. Since there is probably still a block chain and a listing and the dev publicly left, this is perfect for someone else to pick up the chain and continue, but they would have to act quickly. Why though? There's nothing compelling, unique, or interesting about this coin.
Please only speculate money you can afford to lose
December 18, 2017, 04:51:41 AM |
looks like this is a scam coin! devs ran away