How could one Telegram be held by many people, it is certain that one person manages Telegram.
No doubt, if I look at Telegram, I would bet
@wailok & @petwait is a connected Alt account, only one person, nothing more.
Proof:2.Telegram username:@akusung
archivePost by:
petwaitTelegram username:@akusung
Telegram User name: @anhwait1
archive2.Telegram username: @anhwait1
archiveAnd I got the other two Alt belonging to @wailok, it's a little higher rank (Member).
Pay close attention to the ETH, Telegram, Twitter addresses they use.
2 Accounts Connected: (Note: Banned shown in red / Inactive in Blue)1.
skeleto88Proof:Post by:
totoy4741Telegram Username:@akusung
archiveTelegram Username: @jmack01
ETH Wallet Address: 0x9bF372977768D71b59FF43a37B086CbC712d93b3
archivearchiveRelated Addresses:Telegram username: @jmack01
ETH (ERC20) Address: 0x9bF372977768D71b59FF43a37B086CbC712d93b3
Telegram Username:@akusung
What, The above evidence can convince others that they are Alt.