@Agrivita dear bountry manager;
I am in your bountry since last four week but you wrote my note is "no #2" what is means?
I will not any sharing for your bountry. If u will do that like that nobody join your campaign like now.
Your post sharing just 2 or 3 somebody. Its funny
First, indicate which bounty companies you participated in. And please indicate your number on spreadsheet and account profile.
If we put "no #" or "no # in 2 posts", it means that we did not find 3 posts in your account with # or found only 1, etc.
Answer us and we will check your data again.
Thaks for your repply.
First, you are manager, you can follow my spreadsheet number (which is 58 on Twitter but my Facebook spreadsheet row was deleted. Nice)
Second, your program disappointment to me. I was interested your bountry program since begining but now no sir. Thanks.