This site is fake / scam / far from legit
in fact I even contacted Norton assuming they are using a fake seal, and they are! See below... if you use this site you will LOSE you money, no if no ands no butts about it
Norton Shopping Guarantee Support <>
Mon, Jan 7, 4:01 PM (9 hours ago)
to me
Thank you for contacting us. The website in question is NOT a Norton Shopping Guaranteed merchant. They have stolen our seal and is using it without our permission. We do NOT guarantee any transaction on their website. I’ve turned their website in to our trademark infringement team.
If you haven’t already, please contact your bank or credit card company to file a chargeback of your money.
Norton Shopping Guarantee.
1621 N. Kent St. Suite 706
Arlington, VA, 22209
Phone: 855-658-2760