Ok, my QRK wallet is synched. Going a bit lower than 1k per XPM, but I'm still in at that price as I'd like a few QRKs and I have hundreds of XPMs.
Send me 1K and gimme your XPM addy and I'll return one XPM
I sent you 10K QRK,
Transaction ID: 616b06752cc05be1961bc2014ab0a103470ca923a24b5e5075eee7328da8253f
please send XPM to AbH6YUmN7eGviUmC9xnSvwPxtzuFBebDbr
YOWZA! Sorry, my deal was with kierancassel and I only needed 1K. If you post your QRK addy, I'll return these 10K!
Ohhh, sorry. Send it back to QaRYRhDdLMmbajVhzbtgdz6HiUspTEgNb1 please
~edit, coming back to ya!
Status: 0/unconfirmed, has not been successfully broadcast yet
Date: 7/22/2013 11:09
To: QaRYRhDdLMmbajVhzbtgdz6HiUspTEgNb1
Debit: -10000.00 QRK
Net amount: -10000.00 QRK
Transaction ID: 66354e762da1da594b5e662a5c94968fdddaba44018c7754d61b2224fde76d4b