After waiting long enough, until now there has not been a sign that there will be a resurrection from Twn. It seems like the information has to be maintained, both from the team and the bounty manager himself. can't analyze why until there is no further information. Is it from friends who share information that they can share here?
Forget about this project, I think it's more than buried, I still have some tokens, but for me they're worthless, the rest that I had, I managed to sell for a reasonable price...
I will not totally forget this, though it looks like dead right now but this coming alt seasons might make this alive again.
You are a lucky investor as you manage you sell somehow but for those who hold hoping one day it will give them profit are still hoping things could change and they'll have the opportunity to be profitable again.
I don't disagree with you, but, I believe that information is everything, most, I believe to be bounty hunters, just like me, and many get expectations of "when will be listed", who forget that there are DEX (that's where I sold - forkdelta). I wish the best to those who kept, and who knows the project return, you never know, in this crypto world, everything is possible ...
But for me it is already dead and buried, I only posted because I follow this thread and wanted to post my opinion...