Let me tell you this dream of your...
Socialist bullshit
The block chain will not make make everyone rich, will not make everybody in India own a Mercedes (produced in this century) and won't grow 10 times more potatoes from a square acre.
The blockchain won't turn illiterate starving Africans into CEOs.
What bitcoin does right now is making the gap larger, wider and deeper.
You don't see it do you? I feel obliged to reply to this and explain my position for the sake of enhancing this thread.
By the mere act of living these people are buying, selling, creating, analyzing, learning, teaching, etc This is economic activity that justifies the position of countless stocks.
These stocks do not have arbitrary value, they must match the economic inputs and outputs with actual physical and mental resources, time and complexity within a vast global logistics train.
When these people are meeting their needs they are driving this massive co-ordinated global effort; funding the growth of rubber trees for shoe soles, extraction of excess lithium from oil and gas wells for batteries, driving up power consumption to fund power generation upgrades, driving up demand for exotic foods grown in green houses, increasing the demand for entertainment globally.
Don't you think these people know what they are doing? That they have ideas and businesses worth investing in that they have toiled, sweat blood and tears for years to develop successfully?
You see this as socialist; I see this as business.
The Blockchain changes everything, let me paint you a picture.