^ Rofl. I mean I get it. I trade in and out of alts to add to my BTC stash too. But saying Raiblocks solves all of BTC's issues and almost insinuating that it's gonna be the next BTC is just... well kinda dumb.
Raiblocks of all things. Lol.
almost all the altcoins have made such claims about their coin fixing the issues that bitcoin is facing and only a handful of them have actually done something about it in reality not just advertising method...
I think I have said this before but if anything has any chance of competing with bitcoin it is these coins that are using DAG technology. of course Raiblocks is a combination of dPoS DAG+Blockchain!
they claim to have tested 7000 TPS on testnet how much it really can process? we don't know yet.
but also the issue that I find with the claim is that the test was done on a strong server capable of processing that many "connections" which is against decentralization...
or for example Byteball is a project that I like myself but so far you can not be a witness and that means the owner is setting them = centralized. if you are curious it only processes 20-30 TPS
same with the other one (IOTA) maybe a little more ~50 TPS.
not much improvement if you ask me.