Sr. Member
Activity: 602
Merit: 327
Politeness: 1227: - 0 / +1
February 01, 2018, 04:41:59 AM |
There slot open for Newbies?
Sorry buddy but there is no slot available for Newbies. This campaign only accepts accounts from Member to Legendary Members. Even Jr.Members are not included. Try to rank your account first by making constructive posts.
February 01, 2018, 04:53:46 AM |
Sir Wapinter, please check my number of posts. My last posts is 253, that was 232-253 from friday until yesterday . Please check. i completed more than 15 posts.

Activity: 252
Merit: 10
February 01, 2018, 05:08:46 AM |
Is there any chance that you will accept new participants? I see that the campaign are in need of 2 FM, 14 Sr.Mem, and 15 Hero or Legend I just happen to across your campaign! not get surprise by the answer as it's state CFNP, sad to hear though that the LEGOLAS team not funding the payment for this week and you need to fix the wage for the Member out on your own sweat.
New participants will be accepted from this Sunday.I know Legolas team are honest and am sure they will pay but I escrowed funds because there may be delay in payment. Sir, my last post last week is 163 and my last post yesterday is 190. Please kindly check my posts Sir. Wapinter. I started posting January 26 for the 3rd week until yesterday. Please check Sir.
Sr. Member
Activity: 462
Merit: 250
Arianee:Smart-link Connecting Owners,Assets,Brands
February 01, 2018, 05:16:48 AM |
Already received my payment, thanks and more power !
February 01, 2018, 05:18:39 AM |
Payment received Wapinter always comes through 

Activity: 252
Merit: 10
February 01, 2018, 05:33:48 AM |
Payment received Wapinter always comes through  is the payment still thursday? And the last post count is wednesday 11:59 forum time?
February 01, 2018, 05:37:09 AM |
I have not received the payment for week 2 yet was it bymistakely missed while sending the payment? I had left signature campaign couple of days later after completion of week 2 and till then sheet was updated and status for week 2 was approved. Though I am not part of week 3 campaign but for week 2 when can I expect the payment?
February 01, 2018, 05:42:14 AM |
Payment received Wapinter always comes through  is the payment still thursday? And the last post count is wednesday 11:59 forum time? The counting of post is on the end of Sunday forum time and the payment will be on Thursday. the payment today is for the third week. 1/21 - 1/28 the forth week is now live 4 days in counting.
Activity: 2548
Merit: 1417
February 01, 2018, 07:03:51 AM |
Payment received. Thanks again to the wapinter and legolas.
R |
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Activity: 420
Merit: 18
February 01, 2018, 08:30:50 AM |
It is expected to be launched a twitter campaign for Legolas exchange blockchain project?
best regards
February 01, 2018, 09:02:16 AM |
It is expected to be launched a twitter campaign for Legolas exchange blockchain project?
best regards
There's is already an active Twitter campaign
February 01, 2018, 09:49:15 AM |
Thank you. Just checked my account. Received my payment. Thank you. :-)
February 01, 2018, 10:39:43 AM |
Guys. This is not funny. There already were small underpaynents on previous week but now the gap between the real payment and the money that should have been sent is even bigger. You've been sending money for both twitter and sig and twitter campaigns and today I recieved only 0.002 BTC. Either you underpayed 10$ this time or you suddenly decided to send twitter payments separately.
Wapinter (OP)
Activity: 2730
Merit: 1026
Hire me for Bounty Management
February 01, 2018, 11:56:56 AM |
Guys. This is not funny. There already were small underpaynents on previous week but now the gap between the real payment and the money that should have been sent is even bigger. You've been sending money for both twitter and sig and twitter campaigns and today I recieved only 0.002 BTC. Either you underpayed 10$ this time or you suddenly decided to send twitter payments separately.
As far as I know, Twitter payment will be sent tomorrow.
February 01, 2018, 09:49:06 PM |
Is there any reason as to why you did say that I was rejected a week ago but now you have paid me $120? You think that I wanted this to happen? The only reason I posted a scam accusation was because of miscommunication, What would you have done if you were me?
Wapinter (OP)
Activity: 2730
Merit: 1026
Hire me for Bounty Management
February 01, 2018, 10:41:05 PM |
Is there any reason as to why you did say that I was rejected a week ago but now you have paid me $120? You think that I wanted this to happen? The only reason I posted a scam accusation was because of miscommunication, What would you have done if you were me?
We paid you because you were eligible for payment.I can never deny anyone their rightful payment even if he happens to be by worse enemy. Do you think miscommunication is a good reason to post a scam accusation?If yes then I think there must be thousand of them should be posted everyday as we all speak different languages and miscommunication may happen between any of us.If I were in your shoes,I would have waited just like 150 other participants of this campaign did.Please remove your signatures as I have to disqualify you because you were spreading lies about the campaign which you were supposed to promote. Thank you
February 02, 2018, 03:51:08 AM |
I havent recieve my payment for the last week and today also i havent got my payment yet? Sir? Do we have some problem? I already posted
I really can't understand why everyone is crying about a payment of just a few dollars being a bit late. If you need that money that bad to pay rent or buy food, you need to get out of crypto (or at least, you've invested too much!). If not, you can have some patience, right?? Imagine yourself setting up a new business, working day and night to get it on it's feet. It's like juggling with 12 balls, it's really hard to keep ALL the balls in the air. But when 1 ball falls, you pick it up and continue. There's a limited number of tasks you can do simultaneously with a certain number of team members, this means not every task will be done instantly. But this doesn't mean it won't be done!! Please try to put yourself in their spot for a second and not only think about yourself, and give these people some room and time to do their work.
Secondly, I've invested in the ICO like probably many of you. I believe in this project and want it to succeed. Because this will mean that my investment will become more valuable! So I would wear this avatar and sig line for free to help promote this project! It's the long run that counts, not the short term $20 or so from the sig campaign. If that's the only thing what you're here for, then you probably don't have any feeling with the project and you probably don't belong here (sorry, but that's my personal opinion).
So PLEASE, give these people some room and time to get this project rolling! It'll be good for all of us!
Wapinter (OP)
Activity: 2730
Merit: 1026
Hire me for Bounty Management
February 02, 2018, 12:01:10 PM |
I havent recieve my payment for the last week and today also i havent got my payment yet? Sir? Do we have some problem? I already posted
Why didn't you informed me earlier? This is the last week of campaign
February 02, 2018, 12:54:33 PM |
This is the last week of campaign
How about mine you said that i will get a double this week but only received a payment for the past week. So this is the last week of campaign from jn 29 to feb 4?