Hello Guys,
Im wondering if it is possible to restart my mining rig remotly when gpus crashes.
I've some issues going on with my mining rig, the GPU's crashes after 1 week.
I'm currently using 4x 580 8gb x gaming GPUS with EVGA GQ 1000Watt 80 PLUS Gold and i'm mining both eth + dcr
using these settings.
tt -30 -cclock 1120 -mclock 2100 -cvddc 920 -mvddc 875 -dcri 30
i've latest updates etc..
whenever my mining crash i get error message Application EthDcrMiner64. has been blocked from accessing Graphics hardware. Display driver amdkmdap stopped responding and has successfully recovered.
and the fans goes very fast/high and i cannot access the computer from teamviewer, so what I need to do is to manually restart it.
Is there a way I can autorestart my mining rig whenever it happens and im not at home?
At my work we use these little boards that can short the psu wire that turns the PSU on/Off. But you could easily work something up with a relay control board. I've thought about using a python program that could control the relay and is controlled by another system, maybe a rasp berry pi. It would ping the miner, say every 5 minutes and if it was hung it would cycle power to the PSU and start the system. But I just havnt gotten around to building it.