Dear Manager!
I wanted to ask about your announce on SAPIEN Bounty Thread:Facebook/Twitter/Youtube campaign will last. You don't need to refill the form if you are already in the spreadsheet. Just keep retweeting, liking and sharing us.
1. How does new week last? Still from Monday to Sunday? Or, maybe, from Friday to Thursday?
Today is February, 23. Could you please write the period for Week 1 and Week 2 - as an example?
2. What the end date of the 2nd part of SAPIEN Bounty?
3. What the end date of the SAPIEN ICO?
4. You said that we don't need to register if we were the participants from the 1st part of Bounty...
But - I can't understand - how you will be track our progrees of work in old spreadsheet? You said only new participants must to register...
I am afraid that you can just forget about us, cause we will be in old spreadsheet ¯ \ _ (ツ) _ / ¯
Thank you in advance for reply!