Satoshis Nakamoto's white paper was clear, bitcoin is not a means of payment but a store of values like gold.
Correct. The heading to the bitcoin whitepaper is
Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System
Some people have misinterpreted this to mean that it was supposed to be "peer to peer electronic cash", but it clearly indicated a store of value like gold!
How come, when the WP says "Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System", you think that "peer to peer electronic cash" is misinterpretation and the correct interpretation would be "a store of value like gold". There is no need to interpret anything. It says it straight: "peer to peer electronic cash system"
Incorrect. Some people thought it was "peer to peer cash" but blockstream and bitcoin core helped us understand that this was not the case. Who are you going to believe, satoshi who did not have all the facts, or blockstream who do?
I am confused with your reasoning, to say the least.
I thought you were referring to what Satoshi had to say on that matter in his White Paper. When you said 'misinterpret' it clearly indicated interpreting the WP. Now you are saying that I should disregard what Satoshi said entirely, because he didn't have all the facts.
Satoshi said what he said and he clearly ment peer to peer electronic cash in his WP.
What is that blockstream? Are you referring to the US corporation ?
If yes, well, probably they think of bitcoin what brings them most profit at that moment.