What a coin, no homepage, no windows GUI wallet, no online wallet . How can I start to mine.
the coin is 粉紅之星 (PINKSTARCOIN),we will finish the qtwallet before 2018 Q2, now,you can download the wallet and use Command prompt to open it
Unzip the folder, open the command prompt and go inside the folder ( es. cd pinkstarcoin-windows )
Start the DAEMONE with pinkstarcoind.exe --config-file configs/newpinkstar.conf Before closing always remember to type exit and press enter.
Start SIMPLEWALLET with simplewallet.exe --config-file configs/newpinkstar.conf
Start MINER with miner.exe --address YOUADDRESSPNKS
REMEMBER that in order to use SIMPLEWALLET and MINER, DAEMON must always be open and synchronized