Guys, how much is an average exchange comission?
what are you talking about?
its not an exchange and it doesn't have/show any comission
the bot is used to calculate a median transaction fee at a given moment,so you do not overpay
or just be able to estimate the time period in which your transaction with a certain fee will get confirmed
He does not asked about the transaction fees buddy. It is trading commission he want to know. I see bitrex and Binance are having the 0.1 percent as a commission for trading on it. Please choose right trading sites and invest on it.
Some of the exchanges shows the more problem to the consumers. Please right one that is enough. Fees in the all exchanges has been reduced.
what I dislike is when someone like you posting without reading the topic,just for the sakes of one extra post for your sig campaign
read the topic,this topic is about a telegram bot to calculate transaction fees
nothing more ,nothing less
that Tolik guy posted an unrelated random question that doesn't belong here,you glanced through and decided to quote my response
having no idea what are you talking about,there is no exchange or comission talk here,go find an appropriate topic to spam at