found your thread through your post on mine...
you should be getting 2000H/s on Cryptonight on all of them at 190W each (12000H/s @ 1380W with mobo and screen)
i hope you read how
ssd should be at least 120Gb the as virtual mem takes 60Gb and normal mining will eat the rest eventually
i dont build more than 6 Vega rigs for stability reasons
Asus mining mobo has proven to be very reliable with 6 on it
MSI Tomahawk needs a 1to4 pcie adapter for 6 GPUs and is not as stable as the Asus
all the info is on the thread, take a look at the video (first post) for the best rig architecture (for me) focused on thermal dissipation
to eliminate the errors and
to specify your GPU count in the cast xmr run file
you should read your hash rate pool side over time and not from the miner as those numbers are usually different, you get paid for shares found and not H/s ofcourse
thx for the infos.
I also did think about another design for mining-Rigs. Actually im building a 2nd rig atm and today i finished the frame. The design will be more like a tower. I think i found a good way for getting fresh air for cooling and not the warm air of the backplate. Whats the HBM Temperature at your rigs if i may ask?
ty, markets seem not to wish me a fast ROI but im a patient guy