Quark Unconfirmed Transaction Recovery


If you have seen the salvagewallet fix and it did not work for you please try this

 Here is a new simple fix

 Step one: Backup Wallet.dat (just in case)
 Step Two: Dump Private Key
 Step Three: Delete Wallet.dat
 Step Four: Launch Quark Client
 Step Five- Goto Debug Console and enter command:
 importprivkey <quarkcoinprivkey> [Addressname]
 Wait about 5 mins.

 Final Step: Close Client and Reopen it

 Allow a few mins for the unconfirmed transactions to show up. Tested 5 times works everytime.

 If you recovered you Quark please feel free to make a donation

Armchair Miner:
Did not work for me. Missing $6000 QRK since a couple days back.

Then, restored wallet.dat (from the backup suggested above)

and run quarkcoin-qt.exe -salvagewallet

which worked.

I suppose sending over 5000 QRK (with an older wallet?) is hazardous.


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