I assume the universal basic income is variable and depends on the number of users in the network? It's an intense discussion in politics, but there are very good arguments against and for universal basic income.
I suggest you to read whitepaper

Hi there !
I'm following Enumivo for a few months and i'm here to ask you a few questions, if you don't mind, as i'm a bit ... lost

-What's the link between Enumivo and LiteShare ?
-I applied for airdrop in February and received 2500 Enu on my erc20 Wallet.
Then in march i received 100 'shares' on site :
https://fb.enumivo.org ---> What are 'shares'
-Then on 30/04 i received 10 000 Lishares on site
https://liteshares.io ---> What is difference between shares and Litshares ?
- And today i swapped 99 Shares against 99 Enu on Mainnet ...---- > Whay does balance still show 99 shares ? (and i see 99 Enu on explorer)
- Until when can i swap my erc20 Enu ? I read June 2019, do you confirm ?
- After that , 'old Enu' on mew won't have any value ??
Sorry for asking such questions but, even if i have read some articles, i don't fully understand.
- HO and one last question ... maybe people won't be happy i ask for this but here i go : If i'm right Enumivo as a link with Eos.
I personnally think Eos could get into troubles, from what i can read on different forums. If eos had problems, could Enumivo be ok and safe anyway or is the link 'strong' ?
- Liteshares.io is our own exchange made to complement ENU and other stable coins/tokens.
- 'Shares' represent your part from the total social bounty pool. You can now claim them as mainnet coins. Find the instructions here:
https://enumivo.com/topic/654-here-is-how-to-claim-enumivo-social-shares/?tab=comments#comment-5363- Liteshares is native coin of liteshares.io, there is no relationship between social shares and liteshares.
- You can ignore it.
- yes, swap process will be active until June 2019.
- yes, that's correct. After June 2019 erc20 enu will become worthless.
- Enunivo is clone of EOS code, just like ETC to ETH, Litecoin to Bitcoin. If EOS has problems then Enumivo will have same, but we will try to solve them as fast as we can.
It's okay to ask questions