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Author Topic: Europa Viridis project - (EUVIR)  (Read 184 times)
europaviridis (OP)
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February 19, 2018, 04:42:51 PM
Last edit: February 19, 2018, 05:36:33 PM by europaviridis


As part of the biology research society (BSRS -, during the years of Ecology studies at the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics in Skopje, we decided to make a interesting move. Using the cryptotechnology latest innovations, Europa Viridis project plans are to truly promote the beauty of the nature, using our EUVIR token as promotional and payment method. All those years spent on hiking expeditions and biological research camps, we have encouraged ourselves to try to create a project by developing a token that will have real and hopefully, long-term use.

Investment phase

For finalizing the project goals, we started a investment program, where the initial stages of the idea will be completed (marketing promotion and creation of EUVIR ICO). The vast majority of the funds that we already have, are invested by the founder/s and closest team, and so far we are at ~30% from the final stage. You can see the benefits of investing in this project on this link:


Like we said, project goals are promotion of the natural beauties of the southeast European Balkan countries (Greece, Bulgaria and Macedonia) with direct use of the future EUVIR token. How are we plan to do that? Partnering up with all kinds of services that provide, primarily, accommodation and lunch options as well as exploring or research purposes:
  • Mountain lodges
  • Private villas
  • Ethno restaurants
  • Ethno complexes
  • Hiking or non-profit (non-governmental) biology organizations

Every partner that will accept the project and its use of the EUVIR token, will be entering the stage of reserved:
  • 15% from the token sale (token distribution)
  • 30% from the final hard cap

After accepting and understanding the concept, they are obligated to use/accept EUVIR token as payment method from 2 to 4 years after official launching. In addition, all individuals will be enjoying an amount of different discounts (10%,20%,30%,40%) from the regular price, if the desired service was payed with EUVIR token.

Team support

For additional token support, our team will perform several things. After reaching the soft cap, the token will have real life use for several things:

  • Building at least 2 mountain lodges where the token will be used as primary payment method with a discount up to 30% from the regular price
  • Building at least 1 private villa, in the heart of Mount Nidze (located on the border of Macedonia and Grece ; Nidze in Greece - Όρoς Bόρας), with various dining options and a private pool; The token will be used as primary payment method with a discount up to 30% from the regular price;
  • Construction of ethno complex (ethno restaurant) in the heights of the famous mountain town of Bansko (Bulgaria) where the token will be used as primary payment method with a discount up to 30% from the regular price;

After reaching the hard cap of the EUVIR token, the plans for the project are:
    • Creating the first open store for hiking or mountaineering equipment, located in (most likely) Greece with EUVIR token as secondary payment method with a discount on every purchased product from 15% to 30% from the regular price;

      Android APP
      • Android based application for hiking and exploring purposes regarding the southeast Balkan countries
      • Pro-Version hiking maps and off-road maps, purchased and/or created by the team from the final hard cap and uploaded on the application for purchasing from 20% to 40% lower price from the regular, only with EUVIR token as payment method

      Briefly, this is the idea. So far, we didn't share this project online anywhere. We created this thread so we can see the results from the crypto-folks ecosystem. If you have praise, suggestion, criticism or idea to improve the goals of this project, you can contact us here: , or, you can contact me directly on

      Vancho Gjorgjiev
      EUROPA VIRIDIS Project[/list][/list]
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