I noticed with hubs that if there isn't enough power some or eventually all of the USB sticks stop working, without ill effects seemingly.
Also I recall reading about bitfury's chip that he designed it specifically to be able to gracefulyl degrade in hashing power as it gets less electricity. So maybe his chips would be the best for this type of application.
If hubs would shut off individual plugs when they don't have enough power that would be great, but I think what is tending to happen instead is all the sticks get iffy when there is not enough power coming into the hubs. Having lots of hubs would likely end up with all of them not getting enoguh power so nothing working. So even just switching entire hubs in and out would be an improvement over that.
Maybe I will have to get a solar panel and a car battery and experiment a bit.
Though the arduino idea seems decent too at first glance.
Its possible I won't need to deploy until early spring or late winter, depending on difficulty increases. (Grid power here is $0.14 to $0.15 CAD.)
Yes you would still need the arduino setup to handle the load shedding, otherwise the voltage supply would droop and cause problems for the whole system. Switching power at the hub level would be much much easier although would make the load switching more granular. All depends on how in-depth you want to go I suppose