for facebook campaign , we need repost or just post ? and report here every week ?
You may reposts the official newes. Report ones a week here in this thread.
And what about Twitter Report?
I saw «Twitter Report» tab in a Spreadsheet, but... I didn't saw any Form in a Twitter Campaign Rules.
How exactly should we submit our Weekly reports on the work done: using a form or in a Post in the topic?P.S.: If in a post in the toppic, then next question:Do we need to make 1 post for the Week reports or each week create a
new message, quoting the report from previous week?
All report must be post in this thread. You need to make 1 post for the Week reports (without quoting the report from previous week)
The bounty meneger will put the repots in the report form by himself after he check them.
You must put all the reports only in this thread