Hello! Is there a Telegram bounty group for routine questions?
Under Telegram Campaign, we have mentioned the following:
"2. Activity
Be an active member to earn more Stakes.
Every month (once a month) we will choose the most active members and reward them
To join the campaign first you need to invite min 5 friends! (see above)
If you are in top 5: 50 stakes each.
If you are ranked 6 to 15: 25 stakes each.
If you are ranked 16 to 30: 15 stakes each.
If you are ranked 31 to 50: 5 stakes each.
If you are ranked 51 to 100: 3 stakes each."
This is for frequent questions and keeping yourself involved on the chats.
Sorry, but I'm not talking about Telegram campaign, but a Telegram group where I can ask something, for example, about the translation.
Btw, do we have a deadline for translation? You wrote 3 days from confirmation, but I think that maybe we need more time for the translation pf the WP.
Apologies, misread the question. No there is no Telegram group, as mentioned, all support for Bounties will take place on this thread.
If you have been reserved and require more than 3 days, you may PM me and request this.
Thank you