The Mini Bitcoin Conference Series in Austin III 19, 4:00 pm
The Peter O'Donnell, Jr. Building Rm 2.402201 E 24th St, Austin, TX'Donnell,+Jr.+Building&hq=The+Peter+O'Donnell,+Jr.+Building&hnear=Austin,+Texas&t=m&z=14)
Google Hangout Broadcast: TBD. Check back here an hour before the conference
The Agenda to date:
Karen Hudes -- The World Bank, The Looming Currency Crisis, and Bitcoin More about Karen Hudes here:•
David Collins -- btcd: Alternative full-node implementation of the bitcoin protocol written in Go
Jason King -- Sean's Outpost: Meeting Needs with Bitcoin
• Along with a set of flash presentations.
Update:Jason's work with Sean's Outpost is no secret to BitcoinTalk. I can not express how excited I am
to have Jason King at our little conference in person! See their website: and the blog of some of their work: Mini Conference is open to the public, and free. We will be broadcasting live over Google Hangouts, and the presentations will go up on Youtube soon afterwards.