March 10, 2018, 09:17:28 AM |
On March 7, 2018, Beijing time late into the night, the world's second largest exchange "Binance" being attacked by hackers, a large number of users find their account stolen, account of a large number of tokens are malicious dumping COINS, disk on the vast majority of the currency falling fast. After the panic selling triggered the market, the hackers bought the VIA from the stolen account and sent the currency up 110 times.
In response to this anomaly, the currency quickly suspended all of its platform COINS, making it impossible for hackers to cash in. There is speculation that the hackers had already harvested their profits at the moment when the currency was falling.
This is described as an advanced game of "sound east and west", first appearing in coinage. The hackers used the currency security, a degree of centralised credit endorsement, to sway the value of other exchanges. At the same time, there are other markets that are open for short trading. So you don't have to risk it in the currency, but you're going to have to harvest it in the center. As a result, the hacker's aggressive behavior itself is not profitable, and the way to profit is to control the "normal trading" after the "grail".
What do you think?