In my opinion you are mistaken in believing that no coin is profitable. No coin is profitable *now*, meaning mining cost vs *current* price, but that is just, after all, a mine & dump thinking.
The way I see it, is that most alts now are great for mining/buying as they are very undervalued (even in relation to power cost), and they are also under the radar of hopping miners. You need to identify the coins with potential and stake them, mining and buying.
When XPM went down to around 0.002, some miners just decided that it is not worth it anymore and shut down their rigs. Others who believed in the value of the coin (like me) kept mining even at loss. 3 weeks later XPM shot to 0.007 and those who mined and staked in the bad days made some nice profits, while the others watched

The whole point is not to mine the coin that is profitable now (that's an illusion, all coins level up on the long run), but to mine the coin that will be profitable in the future.