Why do you add this document -
https://ftec.io/antispam_policydid not see it on other projects
Why do you need it?
Is it somehow associated with spam attacks?
We added this document because there were spam attacks made by our competitors. Now we are doing our best to solve this problem.
in which period of time after the end of the ICO, do you plan to join the exchange? and for how long will the token be frozen?
The team's tokens will be frozen for a year. We plan to enter the exchange within 15-45 days after the Token Sale.
you have a plan in case sales go bad, what actions you take in this case and where can you read about this information?
We have a plan how to develop our ecosystem in case if soft cap is not reached, hard cap is not reached etc on the website, the 'Token' section.
For example, if soft cap is not reached, we will return ETH to the pre-sale participants and develop the project independently at a slow pace.
Support, please tell me if I will be able to use other cryptos to pay inside the ecosystem for using services or ftec tokens will be the only possible currency?
All payments in the ecosystem will be carried out in FTEC tokens.
what will you do with unused tokens burn them correctly? and will there be anything about this information?
Yes, we will burn all unsold tokens and announce that on social networks.
is it necessary to provide any documents with minimal investment or do they only need if the investment exceeds 10k?
KYC is needed from 10 000.
Why devops are necessary?
Each module will be located on a separate server, so it will be necessary to provide support and configuration of these servers by system administrators. DevOps are required to coordinate commands between each other and provide their needs in external services.
What if soft cap is achieved and hard cap is not?
We will conduct an active advertising campaign, expand the staff, attract more attention to the main Token Sale stage.
Would you like to encourage invevestors who invested large sums in the project or all to remain on equal footing?
Yes, there will be a bigger bonus for large investors. To learn more, you can send an email to
info@ftec.ai on contact @cryptobastard on Telegram.
Will there be additional awards for the fact that someone progolasuet for your project on some resource?
Please visit our bounty thread:
https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=3168899.0will there be video reports from conferences on your YouTube channel for those people who could not visit them?
Sure, we will try to make reports of every event we take part in.
How do you plan to attract large investors? and if there is such information, I would like to read about the marketing campaign, thank you in advance
Here you go:
https://ftec.ai/en/marketing_planWill you rely on ur own experience or another traders also?
Could you please explain what exactly you mean? Thank you!