doktor83 (OP)
April 29, 2018, 01:55:57 PM |
How i use other pool and config file in 1 dir?
i wont in 1 folder where is SRBminer.exe put 1.bat 2.bat 3.bat and all bat start other pool coin with other pool and other config. Now i must use 10 folder for 10 coin. in sgminer i put in bat file this: sgminer -c sgminer.conf --gpu-reorder sgminer -c sgmine2.conf --gpu-reorder sgminer -c sgminer3.conf --gpu-reorder
and 1 bat = 1 pool = 1 coin
in 1 folder = 1 srbminer.exe and 10 start.bat and 10 pool.txt and 10 config.txt
%EXE% -c config-haven.txt --pools pools-haven.txt --logfile log-haven.txt %EXE% -c config-graft.txt --pools pools-graft.txt --logfile log-graft.txt etc etc All in one dir.
doktor83 (OP)
April 29, 2018, 01:56:47 PM |
Hello, there any plan to release linux version ?
not soon
doktor83 (OP)
April 29, 2018, 01:57:06 PM |
hello when i run it om my rigs
all time the program close
i try to underclock and do all things but all time the program close
what i can do for that ??
need much more info, if you want help.
Activity: 417
Merit: 0
April 29, 2018, 02:24:51 PM |
How i use other pool and config file in 1 dir?
i wont in 1 folder where is SRBminer.exe put 1.bat 2.bat 3.bat and all bat start other pool coin with other pool and other config. Now i must use 10 folder for 10 coin. in sgminer i put in bat file this: sgminer -c sgminer.conf --gpu-reorder sgminer -c sgmine2.conf --gpu-reorder sgminer -c sgminer3.conf --gpu-reorder
and 1 bat = 1 pool = 1 coin
in 1 folder = 1 srbminer.exe and 10 start.bat and 10 pool.txt and 10 config.txt
%EXE% -c config-haven.txt --pools pools-haven.txt --logfile log-haven.txt %EXE% -c config-graft.txt --pools pools-graft.txt --logfile log-graft.txt etc etc All in one dir. Thx 
Activity: 417
Merit: 0
April 29, 2018, 02:26:44 PM |
hello, anyone mining intensecoin can share the config? im mining monero but i cant reach mine intensecoin
itns is v7 liek monero and work fine with monero v7 config(identical) for my 3vega : 5960Hr(550W) { "cryptonight_type" : "normalv7", /* To use 2 threads per card set double_threads to true */ "double_threads" : true, "gpu_conf" : [ { "id" : 0, "intensity" : 120, "worksize" : 8, "threads" : 2, "target_temperature" : 59}, { "id" : 1, "intensity" : 120, "worksize" : 8, "threads" : 2, "target_temperature" : 58}, { "id" : 2, "intensity" : 120, "worksize" : 8, "threads" : 2, "target_temperature" : 56}, ] } the config for the gpu is fine, i dont know for the pool ( Required fields are payment address and MinerIdentifier Username format : address.paymentID+FixedDifficulty Password Format : MinerIdentifier:Email i dont know where put this in the miner example pool.txt { "pools" : [ {"pool_use_tls" : false, "pool" : "", "wallet" : "youraddress.payid", "password" : "x", "location" : "europe"}, ] } or {"pool_use_tls" : false, "pool" : "", "wallet" : "youraddress", "password" : "x", "location" : "europe"}, or fix diff {"pool_use_tls" : false, "pool" : "", "wallet" : "youraddress+100000", "password" : "x", "location" : "europe"},
doktor83 (OP)
April 29, 2018, 02:27:51 PM |
How i use other pool and config file in 1 dir?
i wont in 1 folder where is SRBminer.exe put 1.bat 2.bat 3.bat and all bat start other pool coin with other pool and other config. Now i must use 10 folder for 10 coin. in sgminer i put in bat file this: sgminer -c sgminer.conf --gpu-reorder sgminer -c sgmine2.conf --gpu-reorder sgminer -c sgminer3.conf --gpu-reorder
and 1 bat = 1 pool = 1 coin
in 1 folder = 1 srbminer.exe and 10 start.bat and 10 pool.txt and 10 config.txt
%EXE% -c config-haven.txt --pools pools-haven.txt --logfile log-haven.txt %EXE% -c config-graft.txt --pools pools-graft.txt --logfile log-graft.txt etc etc All in one dir. Thx  but you are right, i will make it so you can put pools too in the config file, just have a few more options in my head before that to do 
Activity: 417
Merit: 0
April 29, 2018, 02:31:08 PM |
How i use other pool and config file in 1 dir?
i wont in 1 folder where is SRBminer.exe put 1.bat 2.bat 3.bat and all bat start other pool coin with other pool and other config. Now i must use 10 folder for 10 coin. in sgminer i put in bat file this: sgminer -c sgminer.conf --gpu-reorder sgminer -c sgmine2.conf --gpu-reorder sgminer -c sgminer3.conf --gpu-reorder
and 1 bat = 1 pool = 1 coin
in 1 folder = 1 srbminer.exe and 10 start.bat and 10 pool.txt and 10 config.txt
%EXE% -c config-haven.txt --pools pools-haven.txt --logfile log-haven.txt %EXE% -c config-graft.txt --pools pools-graft.txt --logfile log-graft.txt etc etc All in one dir. Thx  but you are right, i will make it so you can put pools too in the config file, just have a few more options in my head before that to do  sgminer have only 1 file. in this file i write your config and pool and i call only 1 file in .bat file
Activity: 24
Merit: 0
April 29, 2018, 02:47:43 PM Last edit: April 29, 2018, 02:58:04 PM by eduardooaz |
Hello, i have 6 RX580. On cryptonight heavy algo i got 1000 h per card. But its not stable. Its randomly drops 900 and rise 1000. what could be the reason?
heavy wont more power. 5mv for gpu and all work fine or push down gpu mhz I gonna try but i increased 50mv and didnt saw anything, i got 1 rx 580 8gb that sometimes do 950 other times 850h/s, problem is only 10% of the time she starts at 950 and holds that.
April 29, 2018, 02:50:30 PM |
old bug on old drivers. On blockchain and newer (18.3.4) its working as its supposed to. The easiest fix is to update your drivers  will try today ) i hope it helps, if not i will look into it. checked 18.3.4 today. [2018-04-29 17:41:59] GPU0: 465.0 H/S [T: 52c, RPM: 0, CC: 1150 MHz, MC: 1900 MHz] [2018-04-29 17:41:59] GPU1: 435.0 H/S [T: 62c, RPM: 904, CC: 1150 MHz, MC: 1800 MHz] [2018-04-29 17:41:59] GPU2: 499.0 H/S [T: 60c, RPM: 860, CC: 1150 MHz, MC: 1900 MHz] [2018-04-29 17:41:59] GPU3: 499.0 H/S [T: 59c, RPM: 813, CC: 1150 MHz, MC: 1900 MHz] [2018-04-29 17:41:59] GPU4: 460.0 H/S [T: 60c, RPM: 870, CC: 1150 MHz, MC: 1900 MHz] [2018-04-29 17:41:59] GPU5: 449.0 H/S [T: 53c, RPM: 0, CC: 1150 MHz, MC: 1900 MHz] [2018-04-29 17:41:59] GPU6: 397.0 H/S [T: 61c, RPM: 863, CC: 1150 MHz, MC: 1900 MHz] [2018-04-29 17:41:59] GPU7: 437.0 H/S [T: 62c, RPM: 815, CC: 1150 MHz, MC: 1900 MHz] [2018-04-29 17:41:59] GPU8: 496.0 H/S [T: 59c, RPM: 0, CC: 1150 MHz, MC: 1900 MHz] [2018-04-29 17:41:59] GPU9: 492.0 H/S [T: 61c, RPM: 1061, CC: 1150 MHz, MC: 1900 MHz] [2018-04-29 17:41:59] GPU10: 452.0 H/S [T: 52c, RPM: 0, CC: 1150 MHz, MC: 1900 MHz] [2018-04-29 17:41:59] GPU11: 499.0 H/S [T: 62c, RPM: 924, CC: 1150 MHz, MC: 1900 MHz]
however config includes following: "target_temperature" : 55, "target_fan_speed" : 3300, in general section target fan speed basically not set? here is the same drivers w your miner, but with 3-rd party overdrive util: [2018-04-29 17:49:59] GPU0: 495.0 H/S [T: 49c, RPM: 3083, CC: 1150 MHz, MC: 1900 MHz] [2018-04-29 17:49:59] GPU1: 457.0 H/S [T: 52c, RPM: 3196, CC: 1150 MHz, MC: 1800 MHz] [2018-04-29 17:49:59] GPU2: 411.0 H/S [T: 49c, RPM: 3297, CC: 1150 MHz, MC: 1900 MHz] [2018-04-29 17:49:59] GPU3: 464.0 H/S [T: 50c, RPM: 3384, CC: 1150 MHz, MC: 1900 MHz] [2018-04-29 17:49:59] GPU4: 461.0 H/S [T: 51c, RPM: 3305, CC: 1150 MHz, MC: 1900 MHz] [2018-04-29 17:49:59] GPU5: 494.0 H/S [T: 52c, RPM: 3378, CC: 1150 MHz, MC: 1900 MHz] [2018-04-29 17:49:59] GPU6: 494.0 H/S [T: 52c, RPM: 3354, CC: 1150 MHz, MC: 1900 MHz] [2018-04-29 17:49:59] GPU7: 458.0 H/S [T: 53c, RPM: 3229, CC: 1150 MHz, MC: 1900 MHz] [2018-04-29 17:49:59] GPU8: 499.0 H/S [T: 50c, RPM: 3393, CC: 1150 MHz, MC: 1900 MHz] [2018-04-29 17:49:59] GPU9: 499.0 H/S [T: 53c, RPM: 3234, CC: 1150 MHz, MC: 1900 MHz] [2018-04-29 17:49:59] GPU10: 493.0 H/S [T: 50c, RPM: 3116, CC: 1150 MHz, MC: 1900 MHz] [2018-04-29 17:49:59] GPU11: 461.0 H/S [T: 52c, RPM: 3295, CC: 1150 MHz, MC: 1900 MHz] [2018-04-29 17:49:59] Total: 5686.0 H/S
Activity: 3
Merit: 0
April 29, 2018, 03:04:11 PM |
Hi Doktor.
Very happy I found SRBminer. Much better than the other XMR miners i've tried.
Very stable and I'm getting 5660H/s on 6 x RX580 @ ~ 704W which I think this is quite good ?
One question / feature request if you have any spare time ;-)
I'm using --logfile file.txt. Would it be possible to automatically dump into this file the H/s summary ( i.e same as pressing 'h' ) every 20-30 mins or so ?
I'm scraping this file into a web page so it would be really useful to see the H/s rate for each card and a total.
Thanks very much.
Activity: 2
Merit: 0
April 29, 2018, 03:54:26 PM |
Let it run for a while! On rx580 the difference is 950 Claymore to 1050 SRB
Have you tried use T= 1/2? and W=8/16?
I runned for several minutes. How much it must be run to achieve max speed? T - 1 slower, W=16 didn't tried, but I don't think that worksize on 270X gives any difference. On RX 580 8Gb I use GGS - it gives much more than Claymore. What parameters is best for 580 for SRB? Well, yeah, i don't know, because i don't have a 270x card xD. It deppends i'm using I=58 , W=16, T=2 on 6 MSI ARMOR 580 8G (Micron) and got 1050+ on each. I have xfx 580 8g ss and i get false when run with w=16, t=2, when i run with i=62, w=8,t=1 got 650 on each with 620w total. Help me to do better
Jr. Member
Activity: 70
Merit: 3
April 29, 2018, 03:57:56 PM |
Hi Dok, my H5GQ8H24MJR thanks you!  [2018-04-29 17:46:09] GPU0: 932.0 H/S [T: 59c, RPM: 1022, CC: 1150 MHz, MC: 2100 MHz] [2018-04-29 17:46:09] Total: 932.0 H/S [2018-04-29 17:46:33] Pool accepted result 0x00003408
Activity: 65
Merit: 0
April 29, 2018, 03:58:41 PM |
Hey guys, I know that this is not the thread for my question, but can anyone tell me what type of timings do I need to choose for cryptonight-heavy? I have looked around, but sadly I was not able to find much information... I am mining on RX580 Sapphire Nitro Special Editions.
Activity: 78
Merit: 0
April 29, 2018, 04:28:54 PM |
April 29, 2018, 04:52:10 PM |
For H5GQ8H24MJR try this folks:
999000000000000022339D00CEDD6B4470551414B80D960B0040C400750314204A8900A00200000 018123745B92B3A16  I tried this and got a boost in my hynix, from 950 to 1050, do you got a good timming for micron and samsung? My rx 580 8gb micron sometimes runs at 950h/s but is mostly always starting at 850h/s, very rarly stats at 950h/s. What your card manufacter and what intensity you're use?
Jr. Member
Activity: 119
Merit: 3
April 29, 2018, 06:03:17 PM |
I hope the developer will work with algo heavy
doktor83 (OP)
April 29, 2018, 06:07:28 PM |
old bug on old drivers. On blockchain and newer (18.3.4) its working as its supposed to. The easiest fix is to update your drivers  will try today ) i hope it helps, if not i will look into it. checked 18.3.4 today. [2018-04-29 17:41:59] GPU0: 465.0 H/S [T: 52c, RPM: 0, CC: 1150 MHz, MC: 1900 MHz] [2018-04-29 17:41:59] GPU1: 435.0 H/S [T: 62c, RPM: 904, CC: 1150 MHz, MC: 1800 MHz] [2018-04-29 17:41:59] GPU2: 499.0 H/S [T: 60c, RPM: 860, CC: 1150 MHz, MC: 1900 MHz] [2018-04-29 17:41:59] GPU3: 499.0 H/S [T: 59c, RPM: 813, CC: 1150 MHz, MC: 1900 MHz] [2018-04-29 17:41:59] GPU4: 460.0 H/S [T: 60c, RPM: 870, CC: 1150 MHz, MC: 1900 MHz] [2018-04-29 17:41:59] GPU5: 449.0 H/S [T: 53c, RPM: 0, CC: 1150 MHz, MC: 1900 MHz] [2018-04-29 17:41:59] GPU6: 397.0 H/S [T: 61c, RPM: 863, CC: 1150 MHz, MC: 1900 MHz] [2018-04-29 17:41:59] GPU7: 437.0 H/S [T: 62c, RPM: 815, CC: 1150 MHz, MC: 1900 MHz] [2018-04-29 17:41:59] GPU8: 496.0 H/S [T: 59c, RPM: 0, CC: 1150 MHz, MC: 1900 MHz] [2018-04-29 17:41:59] GPU9: 492.0 H/S [T: 61c, RPM: 1061, CC: 1150 MHz, MC: 1900 MHz] [2018-04-29 17:41:59] GPU10: 452.0 H/S [T: 52c, RPM: 0, CC: 1150 MHz, MC: 1900 MHz] [2018-04-29 17:41:59] GPU11: 499.0 H/S [T: 62c, RPM: 924, CC: 1150 MHz, MC: 1900 MHz]
however config includes following: "target_temperature" : 55, "target_fan_speed" : 3300, in general section target fan speed basically not set? here is the same drivers w your miner, but with 3-rd party overdrive util: [2018-04-29 17:49:59] GPU0: 495.0 H/S [T: 49c, RPM: 3083, CC: 1150 MHz, MC: 1900 MHz] [2018-04-29 17:49:59] GPU1: 457.0 H/S [T: 52c, RPM: 3196, CC: 1150 MHz, MC: 1800 MHz] [2018-04-29 17:49:59] GPU2: 411.0 H/S [T: 49c, RPM: 3297, CC: 1150 MHz, MC: 1900 MHz] [2018-04-29 17:49:59] GPU3: 464.0 H/S [T: 50c, RPM: 3384, CC: 1150 MHz, MC: 1900 MHz] [2018-04-29 17:49:59] GPU4: 461.0 H/S [T: 51c, RPM: 3305, CC: 1150 MHz, MC: 1900 MHz] [2018-04-29 17:49:59] GPU5: 494.0 H/S [T: 52c, RPM: 3378, CC: 1150 MHz, MC: 1900 MHz] [2018-04-29 17:49:59] GPU6: 494.0 H/S [T: 52c, RPM: 3354, CC: 1150 MHz, MC: 1900 MHz] [2018-04-29 17:49:59] GPU7: 458.0 H/S [T: 53c, RPM: 3229, CC: 1150 MHz, MC: 1900 MHz] [2018-04-29 17:49:59] GPU8: 499.0 H/S [T: 50c, RPM: 3393, CC: 1150 MHz, MC: 1900 MHz] [2018-04-29 17:49:59] GPU9: 499.0 H/S [T: 53c, RPM: 3234, CC: 1150 MHz, MC: 1900 MHz] [2018-04-29 17:49:59] GPU10: 493.0 H/S [T: 50c, RPM: 3116, CC: 1150 MHz, MC: 1900 MHz] [2018-04-29 17:49:59] GPU11: 461.0 H/S [T: 52c, RPM: 3295, CC: 1150 MHz, MC: 1900 MHz] [2018-04-29 17:49:59] Total: 5686.0 H/S
From the first page : V1.4.8- Added support for new ArtoCash algo - Added fast pool switching when pressing P - Added target_temperature setting to gpu_conf too, if this option is used on top of config (value is > 0), gpu_conf setting is IGNORED- Added target_fan_speed setting to gpu_conf, atm must set it in RPM, not in percent, sorry Smiley - Minor bug fixes
April 29, 2018, 06:14:19 PM |
it is actually strange situation but on my rig stable version which is working as a clock is 1.4.3 .. the other version with greater number creates strange situation - all share becomes invalid... do not know what is the problem.. I'm mining monero with a rig of mixed one vega and five rx480...
Activity: 1
Merit: 0
April 29, 2018, 06:15:01 PM |
SRBMiner-CN-V1-4-9 Чтo cлyчилocь,пoчeмy я нe мoгy мaйнить nicehash??? SRBMiner-CN-V1-4-9 [2018-04-29 01:09:09] Connecting to [2018-04-29 01:09:10] Connected! [2018-04-29 01:09:11] Could not login user to pool [2018-04-29 01:09:17] Could not login user to pool [2018-04-29 01:09:23] Could not login user to pool [2018-04-29 01:09:23] Can't connect to [2018-04-29 01:09:23] Switching to next pool from pools config [2018-04-29 01:09:29] Could not login user to pool [2018-04-29 01:09:29] Can't connect to [2018-04-29 01:09:29] Switching to next pool from pools config [2018-04-29 01:09:35] Could not login user to pool [2018-04-29 01:09:35] Can't connect to [2018-04-29 01:09:35] Switching to next pool from pools config [2018-04-29 01:09:41] Could not login user to pool [2018-04-29 01:09:41] Can't connect to [2018-04-29 01:09:41] Switching to next pool from pools config
ocтaльныe мoнeты мaйнит нa нaйcxeшe,a этoт aлгopитм никaк нe xoчeт.Ктo мaйнит нa нaйce мoнepo7,ecть пpoблeмы?