QRK Bounty for websites supporting QRK as a payment method348,673.85 QRK PLEDGED32,768.35 QRK Available 315,905.5 QRK SentQuarkcoin is a decent coin with a nice design and good potential. As a quark fan, I would like to run a bounty to promote this coin.

News11/09/2013: Since we got a lot donations,
I have doubled the reward! Now it is 1024 block rewards! (1024*32=32,768 QRK as of Nov. 19, 2013)
11/10/2013: I just want to clarify that this bounty
also applies to existing websites that add QRK as a new payment method after the bounty was announced (Nov. 4, 2013).
11/18/2013: Block reward halved
11/30/2013: Unfortunately, there are only a few slots left and I have receive a lot of PMs. I have to raise the standard.
I will review each website I received. The review could take some time, but I will send out payments before next block halving so that your reward is not affected. I will only award my bounty to professional-looking websites. If you have run your website for a few years and have many visitors, you don't need to worry about this.
11/30/2013: The last 32,768 QRK will be reserved for the
first USD/QRK market11/30/2013: Today I got so many websites by PM here and on the quark forum (forum.qrk.cc). Since the last 32,768 QRK will be reserved for the first USD exchange, there are just less than 4 slots available. I know it could be very frustrating if I don't pay someone. So finally, I have decided to send out variable amounts of rewards depends on the quality of the websites. I really appreciate your understanding, and thank you so much for supporting the QRK community! Payments are coming!
12/02/2013: I sent almost everyone some coins today. Now only a few QRK remained and I will send them to really promising websites
Rules1. Since Nov. 4, 2013, for each website that supports QRK as a payment method,
32-1024 block rewards (1024*32=32,768 QRK as of Nov. 19, 2013) will be granted by the bounty. The website can be an online store, a casino, a game, etc. It can be an existing website adding QRK as a new payment method.
2. The bounty never expires, and it is always available as long as there are enough funds. However, please note that the reward is halved as the QRK block reward halving every three weeks. Thus,
you will get more if you act fast!3. The owner of an eligible website must reply to this thread to get the reward.
The bounty address is
QbNg589wdfcs2heqop53nVPzTfTuqhgQh4. I have personally pledged 262,144 (256K) QRK for it.
You can monitor the current balance of the bounty using a block viewer. If you would like to support this coin, please donate some QRK to the address above! I will add you to the contributor list below

. Any amount will help and be very much appreciated!

Creditsvictzhang 262,144.00 QRK
(anonymous) 51,682.00 QRK
xtcminer 19,729.05 QRK
(anonymous) 5,120.00 QRK
FlipPro 5,000.90 QRK
(anonymous) 2,000.00 QRK
alphanuma 1,597.90 QRK
(anonymous) 1,000.00 QRK
(anonymous) 400.00 QRK
PayoutsJailbreaking and restoring service by miffman (65,536 QRK sent on UTC 2013-11-17 04:39:11)
http://ashiqwuzhere.wix.com/ipadtipsntrickstest123#!services---helpCrypto Game Keys by jdebunt (32,768 QRK sent on UTC 2013-11-28 19:54:31)
http://www.cryptogamekeys.com/Android App Development and web design by Brewins (32,768 QRK sent on UTC 2013-11-29 10:00:07)
http://www.bruins-tech.co.uk/http://ethan.sbtech.org.uk/Bitcoin PR Buzz Press Release and advertising services by psybits (32,768 QRK sent)
http://bitcoinprbuzz.com/services/Automatic system for adding sites to directories and posting articles on presell sites by dzejmsdin (32,768 QRK sent)
http://dodawanie.com/ (Language: Polish)
Artist,Designer,Photographer,Web Designer,3D Artist - James Redler by jazoololo (16,384 sent sent)
http://www.jamesredler.com/BTC Fight - selling SD cards and USB card readers by jpmi1 (4,096 QRK sent)
https://www.btcfight.co/WP Boys Web development - Free Quarkcoin Integration service by geekz (16,384 QRK sent)
http://wpboys.com/storeEntropy Extropy Consulting - helping to trade quark for fiat with clients by EntropyExtropy (16,384 QRK sent)
http://entropyextropy.com/The broken pickaxe - Minecraft store by drewforte (12,288 QRK sent)
http://brokenpickaxe.com/MMORPG game server for Silkroad Online - game by zosi (8,192 QRK sent)
http://www.bmsro.com/iOS app development by baus (1024 QRK sent)
www.reloadcreative.comsite for Magic the Gathering packs, repacks, accessories by zss9174 (2048 QRK sent)
http://royalrepacks.com promo code bitcointalk for 10% offCryptocoin Stickers by AWSOM (1024 QRK sent)
http://www.cryptostickers.comThe Stock Man - A unique combination of Financial and Website Development Services by thest0ckman (1024 QRK sent)
TheStockMan.OrgBoise web designs by msandiego (2048 QRK sent)
http://boisewebdesigns.com/contact.html 10% special QRK discount![/color]
QuarkSpend - Buy Anything Anywhere Online With Quark by Ethicoin (32,768 QRK sent)
QuarkSpend.comPhotography and Web Development by zosi www.losfaras.comshorten your long urls to a friendly QRK url by zosi (combined 2048 QRK sent)
www.qrk.liChasinho - teashop in Berlin-Neukölln by Terrer2 (4609.5 QRK)
http://www.chasinho.org/shop/You can be the next one! If you want to add QRK support to your website, you can use Coin Payments as your gateway:
https://coinpayments.net/It is pretty easy and straightforward.
ACT NOW to get up to 32,768 QRK! Otherwise you can only get 16,384 QRK after next block reward halving.
Quark official thread:
http://www.quarkcoin.com/120,000 QRK Bounty for New Logohttps://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=325086.0Exchanges: