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Author Topic: A hope  (Read 407 times)
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April 10, 2018, 12:19:53 PM

I think it would take a miracle for Bitcoin to fly again. 

This brings back good memories when $1500 was the moon and $10k was ridiculed Smiley

Bitcoin is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're gonna get !!
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April 10, 2018, 12:23:18 PM

I think bitcoin is still asleep and seems still reluctant to wake up, I do not know how long bitcoin will be like this. But if bitcoin is already awake, bitcoin will surely increase and jump in value. We must have hope that becomes our impulse to survive in crypto.
Bitcoin can able to climb the price and it is possible this year. Well this time it may takes long and we need a strong support and strong hands to hold onto our bitcoin. As others says, bitcoin may not forever to be stagnant at this price so it can rise eventually.
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April 10, 2018, 04:05:46 PM

I think it would take a miracle for Bitcoin to fly again. 

This brings back good memories when $1500 was the moon and $10k was ridiculed Smiley

Sometimes we feel down of the consequences that we may encounter in cryptocurrency. We may feel bad, and are about to give up. In dealing cryptocurrency, we should know its trend for us to be able to deal with it wisely. We should always remember that life may not always at its best, but we can let hope and love rise above all to overcome fear and despair.
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April 10, 2018, 04:41:30 PM

I think it would take a miracle for Bitcoin to fly again. 

This brings back good memories when $1500 was the moon and $10k was ridiculed Smiley

Sometimes we feel down of the consequences that we may encounter in cryptocurrency. We may feel bad, and are about to give up. In dealing cryptocurrency, we should know its trend for us to be able to deal with it wisely. We should always remember that life may not always at its best, but we can let hope and love rise above all to overcome fear and despair.

This are the right words "This brings back good memories when $1500 was the moon and $10k was ridiculed Smiley" I remember when bitcoin struggled to reach 300 dollars, 1000 dollars were impossible for reaching by many people, you used right word " ridiculed ", and look at us now and where we are, new bottom at 6000 dollars looks great!
We don't need any miracles, bitcoin is miracle already we just need to support it and tell others to do the same, when enough of us join we will be unstoppable, maybe bitcoin is unstoppable already, anyone have a right to have an opinion.
In dealing with crypto you need to be open minded and ready to accept many new things. To learn a lot about everything, bitcoin is just the beginning, once you enter you will be attracted by all other projects and possibilities. This price is already high, people can regret because gheh didn't join earlier or whatever but you don't need hope, you need to work and do the right thing and invest in crypto more then money, like that you will be ready for the crypto future that is coming.



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April 12, 2018, 01:52:05 PM

I think bitcoin is still asleep and seems still reluctant to wake up, I do not know how long bitcoin will be like this. But if bitcoin is already awake, bitcoin will surely increase and jump in value. We must have hope that becomes our impulse to survive in crypto.
Bitcoin can able to climb the price and it is possible this year. Well this time it may takes long and we need a strong support and strong hands to hold onto our bitcoin. As others says, bitcoin may not forever to be stagnant at this price so it can rise eventually.

Well we've all seen how capable btc is in pumping way over the moon. The question is when and if people can hold their horses long enough until that happens. It can go evem lower that it's current value in a month or two.

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April 12, 2018, 02:01:26 PM

Always remember that the drop is always a part of the game. Bitcoin is always awake and it always make us confused about whether to buy or to sell because of its value and the one who commonly lost is the one who has a small faith. Bitcoin will always survive and so are we.

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April 12, 2018, 07:07:23 PM

Don't just hope, trust yourself and trust bitcoin, for sure it will lead us to the right path, and that path is our way to the success, don't worry much about the things that is not gonna happen, as we can see bitcoin still the number one regardless of how negative some people are it still stays.
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April 12, 2018, 10:05:02 PM

Don't just hope, trust yourself and trust bitcoin, for sure it will lead us to the right path, and that path is our way to the success, don't worry much about the things that is not gonna happen, as we can see bitcoin still the number one regardless of how negative some people are it still stays.
Superb! Of course,I also do that-I trust bitcoin,my full support is with crypto. I also heard a few bad news in my country about bitcoin and it hurts because they don't know what's the real thing sometimes they use the name of bitcoin for scamming people who also hope that their money would grow but at the end those people are just using the name of bitcoin and they are just a nobody. No matter what,I stay with bitcoin inspite of many wrong information spreading but if proven,it will go under due process.







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July 18, 2018, 07:21:16 PM

I still do not understand why many people assume that the only valid signal that bitcoin is "awake" and strong is through its explosive increase in terms of price, when there are much more important and solid signals that bitcoin is evolving and progressing towards better scenarios than expected.

I believe that it is not the bitcoin that should give signs of life, but it is the bitcoiners community that should wake up from its lethargy and begin to understand that bitcoin goes far beyond its price relative to the dollar, and that right now we are passing for a bright time for the future and consolidation of bitcoin.
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July 18, 2018, 08:52:03 PM

I think bitcoin is still asleep and seems still reluctant to wake up, I do not know how long bitcoin will be like this. But if bitcoin is already awake, bitcoin will surely increase and jump in value. We must have hope that becomes our impulse to survive in crypto.

Bitcoins today is just slowly increasing again because there are still people who are selling their coins which makes the price to dump, just try to higher your patience and believe that bitcoins will grow even more in the future just like what cryptocurrency analyst's are expecting.
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July 18, 2018, 10:42:05 PM

I still do not understand why many people assume that the only valid signal that bitcoin is "awake" and strong is through its explosive increase in terms of price, when there are much more important and solid signals that bitcoin is evolving and progressing towards better scenarios than expected.

I believe that it is not the bitcoin that should give signs of life, but it is the bitcoiners community that should wake up from its lethargy and begin to understand that bitcoin goes far beyond its price relative to the dollar, and that right now we are passing for a bright time for the future and consolidation of bitcoin.
They are only looking to day charts and also with the December and January charts that is during the all time high's.

But adopt the progress on how bitcoin has been doing for the past years, they don't recognize it. They are only waiting for their profits and won't recognize that most of these years up to now bitcoin has been good and awake all of the time.






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July 18, 2018, 11:19:29 PM

I think bitcoin is still asleep and seems still reluctant to wake up, I do not know how long bitcoin will be like this. But if bitcoin is already awake, bitcoin will surely increase and jump in value. We must have hope that becomes our impulse to survive in crypto.
absolutely right, think positively.
from now on, stop listening to the negative news made by people obviously hating bitcoin.
bitcoin will never end, this is just a small incident. we wait until bitcoin gets up and pumps high.
just takes a little patience.
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