I think Iceland or Republic of Georgia will be very good decision,Because of too many advantages.In Georgia there is no strict special regulations,Just general norms which are very liberal for business investors,especially for foreigner investors,Additionally government is trying to create more and more good business environment to develop business-technological sphere,bitcoin blockchain technology is already the part of public space,Also there is cheap electricity and too many alternatives...Anyway there are too many advantages,such as cheap workers,cheap electricity,etc.
if you have never lived in ex-USSR countries before
it could come as a shock to you,Georgia,Ukraine,Russia etc.
Georgia is one of the last choice I'd make if I had enough bitcoins
it is a poor,troubled country,they love to overthrow their goverments and have "orange revolutions"
the only advantage I see-it is cheap to live there and electricity is relatively cheap,too
but if you are used to the western standards of life,you will find the countrie's infrastructure lacking,to put it mildly
I don’t understand why its the last choice when there are too many advantages.
What you said is not right,because today Georgia is one of the most safe country and government trying to do everything to create free business environment too.just look at bitfury or another giant companies which have already started their cryptocurrency business in this country.but everything depends on what kind of business are we talking about...of course,may it is not the unique and the most developed but here for me are very interesting and good environment to make my own little,progressive business.
again,if you do not live there,then you do not know what are you talking about
safe in Georgia *inserts homeric laughter*
Bitfury only set their facility there AFTER setting up a separate agreement with the goverment of Georgia
and only because the power was cheap enough and they got guarantees from the goverment that their business will be safe
same deal,by the way,they struck with the ukrainian goverment,don't see them setting up facilities there
just because Ukraine is a more corrupt and less safe version of Georgia with more expensive elecricity too
the main thing is that one day you can and most likely will,wake up with a couple of dudes standing by your bed,with automatic rifles politely asking you to share
have fun lecturing them on the "freedom of business" topics
True, we cant really imply facts if we arent a citizen of a particular country which even if we know its recent status when it comes to governance but there are really things would really remained still.Bitfury do set out on that place because of cheap electricity which is true and as part of the risk you cant really assure your security and this is what i dont like when we do migrate into places on we arent familiar because you might end up on having a threatened life and might give you the trauma for the rest of your life.