Hello Bounty manager, What week number now and the date started for this week? I want to make clarification. Im interested to participate here. Is there a telegram bounty group for HPQ? In our report links, should be edit post, qoute post or make a new reply every week on this thread? Thank you
Now it is week 2.
It is better to post weekly reports (edit posts or post at the end of every week) here but we will try not to miss anything if you report another way. We will re-check all the reports again after the ICO.
Week 1 18-24/04
Week 2 25/04-01/05
Week 3 02-08/05
Week 4 09-15/05
Week 5 16-22/05
Week 6 23-29/05
Week 7 30/05-08/06 long week
It is not a big problem if you don't write the dates or a week number. But please post the reports here.
Thank you, welcome to our Bounty Program and Affiliate Program!