Now it's >254 billion and they're still adding regularly. Price is down 99,9999% since this thread was started.
They have not done any of the promised things, there are no results, you cannot do anything with the INNBC - except buy it.
And the promised "AIDS cure" is a fake. I wrote some things up on medium: low was that the CEO lied about the whereabouts of the company, and misdirected investors to non-existing labs. Absolutely insane what's going on in that "community".
Your fraudolent fud article on medium has been removed after we pursue legal action as it was obviously against their policy. In fact, official science is dissussed by scientific publications on pubmed (, on which you have no publicaton record. Any qualified professional would immdiately identify themselves with their name and publications, so we strongly suggest to refrain from considering any medical information posted by anonymous users. INNBC delivered on their goal of developing a decentralized application to record on chain biomedical data. Dapp is live and we have an upcoming scientific publication discussing the results. INNBC DefiScience model involves some supply to be used for bulding products such as the HIV therapy and the DApps for science, along with staking and farming defi events. The model is clearly defined in the whitepaper. Worst of all, you are deceiving people using the warning posted on this thread against us, when we have nothing to do with the opening poster who originally created this thread, he is just a legendary member of this forum we paid fort creating this thread for us and he is not part of our team nor does he have any affiliation witn us. The warning is therefore not about us but about him "users have reported that they strongly believe that the creator of this topic is a scammer". We have nothing to do with the creator of this topic. For this reason, we then created an official thread directly managed by us.