I would like to present you one of many evidances how SCAM developer works with his SCAM creation.
Rhenium scamcoin whitepaper is clear that premine is 6.19% and fixed. around 2 million coins.
http://rhenium.org/Rheniumwhitepaper.pdfBuit developer has other secret plans...
using premine wallets for staking and stealing coins for himself.
This is explorer where you can see this for yourelf. RNbXpun6qyDvH5JPRLmiey6Mn1hPPkkjVH
Total Sent (XRH) Total Received (XRH) Balance (XRH)
1 356 349 2 115 079 58 730
His 'team'
And this is just 1 premine address... there are more of them
He stoped with staking only on Aprli 3rd after some people complained that they are not getting rewards.
In this process he multiplied premine and receiving huge ammount of coins, by stealing from people.
His Discord stuff know all about this, but they keep quiet for litlle bit of btc maybe ...
If you dig a bit more, you will find even more dark secrets under the carpet...
Very very sad thing, sad litlle scamdev...
doing this over and over again...
What this has to do with decentralisation ?
Is this what we want from crypto ??
Is only money important