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Author Topic: Prices will some day fluctuate less?  (Read 1310 times)
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May 23, 2018, 01:49:49 PM

Do you think that someday the prices for Bitcoin will fluctuate less and ppl will be able to use more as a currency, and not only as a form of investment?

Of course, When the market demand is more stable, I think  fluctuates less. The price will more stable. we will see it soon.
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May 23, 2018, 01:54:13 PM

Do you think that someday the prices for Bitcoin will fluctuate less and ppl will be able to use more as a currency, and not only as a form of investment?
I do not know for sure but based on the logic of market fluctuations, that is did not happen, supply bitcoin fixed, I mean there is no addition of the amount of bitcoin being mining at the moment, while every day newcomers increasingly banya and will mempengeruhi demand and trend.

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May 23, 2018, 01:58:05 PM

To me the high fluctuations are still a sign of uncertainty. That is why I suppose the crypto world could become more stable once it is clear how regulations in the major counries will definitely look like. But a stable crypto world? That is something I do not think we will ever see.
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May 23, 2018, 02:04:54 PM

I believe that when the mainstream joins Bitcoin or other cryptocurrencies we will see a less volatile crypto market. This might happen when the trust in fiat goes away and/or if we have another crash and people start seeking a safeheaven.
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May 23, 2018, 02:10:04 PM

It's hard to say that for altcoins, but for bitcoin it's possible you said that. When the prices reach bell, a volume and yield will fluctuate less.
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May 23, 2018, 03:32:19 PM

I think that such a moment can come, where in the near future but while prices will go up then downwards to undetermined values
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May 23, 2018, 03:42:18 PM

I think that's going to happen, because basically bitcoin is an exchange rate or a digital currency that is created to transact.
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May 23, 2018, 03:57:19 PM

I think that's a common thing, because I already know if the price of digital Cryptocurrency assets that price is very volatile, can go up and down anytime. and if the price of the coin is down, it is an opportunity to buy a lot of coins, then we hold and sell later when the price has gone up.
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May 23, 2018, 04:03:09 PM

Surely one day crypto currencies would fluctuate less,
But the question is when,I think it would happen when there are more people using it,
And it is accepted as payment for everything just like a debit or credit card.

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May 23, 2018, 04:04:01 PM

Now the encryption market is an immature market, so the volatility is very intense. If this market has been developed for many years, the volatility of bitcoin will become smaller and smaller, of course the market value of the whole market will be more and more big.
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May 23, 2018, 04:07:49 PM

People use bitcoin as a currency even now, if they have such a need and they can not buy something for dollars.
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May 23, 2018, 04:16:30 PM

In my opinion. bitcoin will remain an investment tool in the future, not as money we can use like the money that exists today. this is due to the value of very fluctuating bitcoin so it is very difficult to be used as money replacement. if bitcoin has a fixed value, it may in the future be able to replace the current money but only used transactions digitally.

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May 23, 2018, 06:14:37 PM

Yes, Right now the market is not as matured as the equity ones. The time will come when the market will have more advances in terms of using the technology in different way than the current one.  I am sure that it will stabilize in the nearest future and it will be possible to use it as the main  currency. So I always expect that the market of Crypto is always volatile.
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May 23, 2018, 07:11:03 PM

At this stage bitcoin still has this very high volatility, now the encrypted money market is an immature market. It is believed that with the continuous development of the community, the price of bitcoin will be higher, and the price of bitcoin will no longer fluctuate when the volume is very small.

I think with regulation it will break the trading market and thus less price fluctuations. But this will take a lot of time like 5 years from now.
Currently the market is not as famous as equities. Once the market matures as when there are widely traded derivatives and ETFs on the exchange it will be very difficult to manipulate the market.
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May 23, 2018, 07:19:19 PM

I think that two factors will affect on the reduction of volatility. First, it is the arrival of institutional investors on the market - now this process is just beginning. Secondly, the more  crypto market is regulated, the less price fluctuations will be.
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May 23, 2018, 07:28:37 PM

It's hard to say that for altcoins, but for bitcoin it's possible you said that. When the prices reach bell, a volume and yield will fluctuate less.
No time a limit is enough for bitcoin as it always keep on moving it use to increase and decrease all the time. Most of time people use to use bitcoin as an investment and they are forgetting about all other technologies, so it is only because bitcoin is full of profit it use to increase and decrease in price which gives us chance to earn high and buy huge amount of profit from our bitcoin savings. The more bitcoin will fluctuate more profit we will earn from it.
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May 24, 2018, 11:11:55 PM

Do you think that someday the prices for Bitcoin will fluctuate less and ppl will be able to use more as a currency, and not only as a form of investment?
Whether it fluctuates more or less, it will continue to be used as a form of payment method and nothing else. Whenever I see people call Bitcoin a currency, I wonder if they really have some senses at all😏cause Bitcoin wasn’t made for that. Even from the explanation that Satoshi himself made, Bitcoin is mainly for transaction of values from peer-to-peer, and there was never a time. It was said that is to replace our currencies. Only fools will say it is currency.
You are saying that bitcoin was created by satoshi to transfer values from one person to the other without a third party, and that is how currencies began, so bitcoin is a currency whether some people like it or not, it is a very special type of currency and it has many other characteristics that makes it superior to a traditional currency but it still fits the definition.
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May 24, 2018, 11:59:32 PM

Fluctuation is normal in any coins in crypto currency. Because of some investors who invest of what kind of coin they want to invest or trade.

Fluctuation maybe will be less someday in near future.
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May 25, 2018, 01:21:04 AM

Do you think that someday the prices for Bitcoin will fluctuate less and ppl will be able to use more as a currency, and not only as a form of investment?

Well, I think the prices would stabelise if the supply would be increase. I think this fluctuation is due to low supply with some investor who has a high holding.
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May 25, 2018, 03:19:30 AM

Do you think that someday the prices for Bitcoin will fluctuate less and ppl will be able to use more as a currency, and not only as a form of investment?
it can happen, in the future there will be more bitcoin users, but fewer have it, also if people do not invest, they just have to use daily transactions so that the market demand will be more stable.
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