Going to 5 gpu on a board, I'm starting to get concerned.
Ain't this within motherboard's spec ? Is this to balance the rail going to the motherboard ? Will the trace burn ?
I can't find any guide on how to make one,
On cablesaurus website picture it use B1,B2,B3,A2,A3
https://cablesaurus.com/images/DSCN0500a.jpgThe wikipedia page identify B3 as "Reserved, Not presently used, do not connect" so why use it ?
PCI Express cards are allowed a maximum power consumption of 25W (×1: 10W for power-up). Low profile cards are limited to 10W (×16 to 25W). PCI Express Graphics (PEG) cards may increase power (from slot) to 75W after configuration (3.3V/3A + 12V/5.5A).[7] Optional connectors add 75W (6-pin) or 150W (8-pin) power for up to 300W total.